Game #2614958 — 2024-10-13

terran 650
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1794 | killed: 80k
6508 +23
terran 12
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1825 | killed: 73k
3184 +23
zerg 20
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1653 | killed: 45k
998 +2
791 -2
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 475
protoss 692
4322 -23
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 794 | killed: 205k
terran 1675
1514 -23
apm: 50 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
zerg 12


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:38 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 FckLiberty
01:25 leaver <sUpb> FusionLärz
01:30 tier 2 rapitos
01:59 gas 1 +432 Yukii
02:12 cannon destroyed
02:14 gas 1 +425 FckLiberty
02:20 gas 1 +422 Gandalfbug
02:35 Yukii yep
02:35 <DIRSTK> lucutus We did it!
02:35 <DIRSTK> lucutus gj
02:35 Gandalfbug re
02:35 Gandalfbug wp team
02:35 leaver rapitos
02:41 <DIRSTK> lucutus total rage quit there
02:48 FckLiberty why
02:59 tier 2 Yukii
02:59 tier 2 Gandalfbug
03:02 FckLiberty gas?
03:20 <DIRSTK> lucutus no, was afk though
03:23 bunker destroyed
03:33 Gandalfbug try ))
03:45 <DIRSTK> lucutus hard ))
03:55 Gandalfbug but u good
04:08 <DIRSTK> lucutus we're about to find out if I am or not (happy)
04:08 Gandalfbug go gas )
04:10 tier 2 <DIRSTK> lucutus
04:24 gas 1 +360 <DIRSTK> lucutus
05:23 Gandalfbug detect lurker
05:28 Gandalfbug good
05:45 Gandalfbug some tank
06:09 gas 2 +232 <DIRSTK> lucutus
06:42 gas 2 +216 Yukii
06:44 gas 2 +214 FckLiberty
07:02 FckLiberty u need some units that stack like tanks or t3 libs
07:08 <DIRSTK> lucutus ofc
07:18 Gandalfbug i go t3 for u
07:20 <DIRSTK> lucutus trying to stay alive though (rofl)
07:24 <DIRSTK> lucutus thanks
07:39 gas 3 +112 <DIRSTK> lucutus
07:55 tier 3 Gandalfbug
08:16 gas 2 +168 Gandalfbug
08:36 gas 3 +83 Yukii
08:42 Gandalfbug go gas )
08:50 gas 3 +76 FckLiberty
08:52 <DIRSTK> lucutus how much gas, you think?
09:00 FckLiberty 2-3
09:12 Gandalfbug u good
09:12 <DIRSTK> lucutus (rofl)
09:49 gas 3 +47 Gandalfbug
10:02 gas 4 -35 <DIRSTK> lucutus
10:49 Gandalfbug now
10:58 gas 4 -63 Yukii
11:28 gas 4 -78 FckLiberty
13:07 Gandalfbug 4th gas for u
13:17 <DIRSTK> lucutus done on 10
13:32 Gandalfbug wp )
13:33 tier 3 <DIRSTK> lucutus
13:34 gas 4 -141 Gandalfbug
13:41 <DIRSTK> lucutus wont be enough, you lads are too good
14:28 Gandalfbug without upgrades for u
14:34 tier 3 FckLiberty
17:51 <DIRSTK> lucutus I'm in danger!
17:57 tier 3 Yukii
17:57 FckLiberty not yet
17:59 Gandalfbug yeah
21:12 Gandalfbug sory
21:12 <DIRSTK> lucutus tanks and zerg, killer combo
21:15 <DIRSTK> lucutus wp
21:19 FckLiberty gg
21:20 FckLiberty wp
21:24 game ended