Game #2617007 — 2024-10-14

protoss 82
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 223 | killed: 64k
2161 +57
zerg 333
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 466 | killed: 57k
1852 +57
protoss 125
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 43 | killed: 86k
3478 +57
1092 -57
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 640 | killed: 48k
terran 11
3881 -57
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 125 | killed: 62k
protoss 349
1980 -57
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 686 | killed: 66k
protoss 89


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:48 tier 2 <aSf> themusic
01:00 first unit on mid
01:12 tier 2 <DSRL> Meowcake
01:41 tier 3 <aSf> themusic
01:45 tier 2 CloakMonster
01:52 NosyTurnip go pank!
02:36 bunker destroyed
02:38 gas 1 +379 WayneTravis
02:41 NosyTurnip heck yea
02:42 gas 1 +377 Capphire
02:43 tier 2 Capphire
03:14 tier 2 NosyTurnip
03:25 NosyTurnip dethstars!
05:18 tier 3 NosyTurnip
06:03 gas 1 +276 CloakMonster
06:41 gas 2 +182 WayneTravis
06:59 NosyTurnip i got a carrier now to now
07:15 <DSRL> Meowcake That'
07:21 <DSRL> Meowcake Copycat
07:52 tier 2 WayneTravis
08:10 gas 2 +138 Capphire
10:24 gas 2 +71 CloakMonster
11:00 NosyTurnip malls kind of suck now
11:44 gas 1 +106 <aSf> themusic
11:45 <DSRL> Meowcake Bro I be getting all the honey's at the mall.
11:58 NosyTurnip wait, how many?
12:21 WayneTravis only highschoolers at the malls here
12:39 <DSRL> Meowcake Yeah you gotta hit the milfs
12:46 <DSRL> Meowcake Every highschooler has a mom
12:50 NosyTurnip whats a milk
12:52 <DSRL> Meowcake Or dilfs no judgin
13:10 WayneTravis milfs are where its at
13:25 NosyTurnip i thought young was better
13:34 WayneTravis >.>
13:39 cannon destroyed
13:47 gas 2 -31 <aSf> themusic
13:49 gas 3 -107 CloakMonster
14:00 <DSRL> Meowcake o boy
14:10 <DSRL> Meowcake Where's Chris Hansen?
14:23 Capphire Pff, what am I reading? haha
14:30 <DSRL> Meowcake Why don't you have a seat over there
14:32 NosyTurnip he retired old man. whats wrong with young
14:32 WayneTravis pedo watch
15:16 tier 3 <DSRL> Meowcake
15:20 gas 1 -3 <DSRL> Meowcake
15:30 NosyTurnip young is now, old man.
16:04 WayneTravis this convo is making me uncomfortable..
18:10 NosyTurnip we were the chosen one, tho!
18:19 tier 3 CloakMonster
18:51 gas 3 -258 <aSf> themusic
19:09 tier 3 Capphire
20:01 NosyTurnip thats the spirit
20:16 game ended
20:18 <aSf> themusic gg
20:18 Capphire gg
20:22 CloakMonster ez
20:23 NosyTurnip love chidlren they the furutre