Game #2628053 — 2024-10-18

terran 223
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1464 | killed: 72k
4099 +37
zerg 1204
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1316 | killed: 52k
4190 +37
zerg 99
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1278 | killed: 54k
946 +3
2063 -37
apm: 16 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 3k
protoss 246
2402 -37
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 12k
terran 129
3155 -37
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 349 | killed: 148k
zerg 156


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:38 first unit on mid
00:44 Troll anyone here like scammers
00:48 Troll from india
00:58 tier 2 Troll
01:07 tier 2 Few
01:19 tier 2 <JOSUN> NaMul
01:53 tier 3 Few
01:56 tier 2 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
02:50 tier 2 Colendus
04:00 leaver Colendus
04:05 RevCaswell lol
04:57 Troll these indian scammers been calling me like 10 times a day so i just put the phone next to my pc speaker and play satanic black metal at full blast hahahaah
05:19 tier 2 RevCaswell
05:33 cannon destroyed
05:35 gas 1 +282 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
05:46 gas 1 +277 Few
06:00 gas 1 +270 Troll
06:19 gas 1 +260 <JOSUN> NaMul
07:14 leaver RevCaswell
07:32 Troll gg ez
07:51 gas 2 +140 Few
07:55 gas 2 +138 <JOSUN> NaMul
08:04 tier 3 <JOSUN> NaMul
08:30 gas 2 +120 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
09:52 tier 3 Troll
09:52 tier 3 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
10:59 gas 3 -30 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
11:48 gas 3 -54 <JOSUN> NaMul
12:15 gas 3 -68 Few
13:21 gas 4 -176 <DCKFG> ManBearPig
13:23 Troll there is no hope lad give up
13:38 Few who needs hope?
13:45 Troll lol
13:53 Troll my mistake carry on
14:03 Few scammers sure don't
16:15 gas 2 -112 Troll
16:30 Troll u gonna upgrade ur ultars or what
16:50 Few too broke
16:55 Troll lol
17:02 Troll Gas?
17:19 Few yea tummy doesn't feel good
17:34 Troll i will rub it 4 u
18:21 Troll gg in 2 mins
19:01 <DCKFG> ManBearPig lawl
20:01 Troll adios nigga
20:01 Troll ah u mean ur too gay to touch?
20:01 Troll am gay
20:01 Troll pls
20:01 Troll that is very very gay
20:01 Troll time to drop
20:01 Troll touch my penie
20:01 Troll very impress
20:01 <DCKFG> ManBearPig perhaps
20:01 <DCKFG> ManBearPig too gay
20:01 game ended