Game #2635927 — 2024-10-24

zerg 19
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 1309 | killed: 33k
1113 +37
terran 14
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1442 | killed: 70k
3032 +37
terran 38
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1518 | killed: 110k
1969 +37
967 -3
apm: 15 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 29 | killed: 77k
terran 131
1963 -37
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 595 | killed: 44k
zerg 1
2012 -37
apm: 22 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 176 | killed: 62k
zerg 4


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +486 plzbangmywif
00:29 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy alright u big bully get ready to get on ur knees and suck this dick
00:36 first unit on mid
00:41 <Pushin> DonnyT plzbangmywif
00:43 TraShBoAT i was ready weeks ago
00:50 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy XD
01:01 tier 2 plzbangmywif
01:19 tier 2 <Pushin> DonnyT
02:15 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy oj ass
02:28 TraShBoAT oj guilty af
02:54 tier 2 TraShBoAT
03:01 <Pushin> DonnyT nah he woulda never done it i knew him personally
03:16 <Pushin> DonnyT not a violent bone in his body
03:41 tier 2 Blanks
03:45 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy i was his tailor i custom fit that glove
04:54 tier 2 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy
05:33 cannon destroyed
05:35 gas 1 +320 <Pushin> DonnyT
05:37 gas 1 +319 chalkchewer
08:02 tier 3 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy
08:35 tier 2 chalkchewer
09:25 tier 3 Blanks
09:26 <Pushin> DonnyT yo blue
09:36 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy yo
09:43 <Pushin> DonnyT ur kinda ass no?
09:55 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy lol gave me the worst team
10:06 gas 2 +109 plzbangmywif
10:14 <Pushin> DonnyT cuz ur not just gonna join my and my dawgs team
10:17 <Pushin> DonnyT u gotta earn it
10:21 <Pushin> DonnyT and u were being mean to us
10:22 gas 1 +176 Blanks
10:23 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy XD
10:47 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy mann fuck ur little boy band
10:47 tier 3 <Pushin> DonnyT
11:00 <Pushin> DonnyT woah
11:03 <Pushin> DonnyT chill man
11:15 <Pushin> DonnyT calm it down
11:29 <Pushin> DonnyT u finally have enough T to get angry
11:34 gas 1 +140 TraShBoAT
11:56 tier 3 plzbangmywif
11:56 tier 3 TraShBoAT
11:59 <Pushin> DonnyT its bedtime for u anyway
12:12 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy almost
12:44 gas 2 +30 chalkchewer
13:22 TraShBoAT yo shrimpy
13:32 TraShBoAT whyd you name your account after your dick
14:51 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy to let u know how it tastes
15:18 gas 1 +29 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy
15:19 <Pushin> DonnyT that makes no sense but A for effort?
15:19 gas 2 -47 <Pushin> DonnyT
16:40 <Pushin> DonnyT yo shrimp dick dont break ur setup
17:03 TraShBoAT wait why does your dick taste like shrimp thats foul
17:12 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy all the cheese it has on it
17:12 TraShBoAT no wonder yo aint got any bitches on yo dick
17:26 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy bitches love cheese
17:49 <Pushin> DonnyT except u dont fuck bitches
17:59 <Pushin> DonnyT u jerk off to ur mom getting gaped
19:23 tier 3 chalkchewer
21:16 game ended
21:17 <WFFLZ> Shrimpy gg
21:17 TraShBoAT light
21:17 <Pushin> DonnyT gg ez AGAIN