Game #2636525 — 2024-10-24

zerg 57
apm: 20 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 522 | killed: 39k
2277 +94
protoss 61
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 330 | killed: 30k
1574 +94
protoss 15
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 435 | killed: 24k
1725 +94
517 -9
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -39 | killed: 26k
zerg 99
6897 -94
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -175 | killed: 45k
protoss 655
2058 -94
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 54 | killed: 30k
terran 187


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 megared
00:58 tier 2 Jukiest
01:06 tier 2 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn
01:45 tier 2 <GhostW> PapoTheKing
02:33 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE BLINK MASTER
02:56 tier 2 <L4GNDS> LogicBomb
03:22 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE BLINK MASTER
03:27 ArianaGrande ty
04:17 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE BLINK MASTER
04:30 ArianaGrande dw all part of plan
04:43 ArianaGrande omg pls stop immortal
04:45 ArianaGrande too op
04:48 tier 2 ArianaGrande
05:18 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE BLINK MASTER
05:31 cannon destroyed
05:35 gas 1 +141 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn
05:37 tier 3 ArianaGrande
05:39 gas 1 +139 <L4GNDS> LogicBomb
06:05 gas 1 +125 Jukiest
06:16 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE CARRIER MASTER
06:21 ArianaGrande can you shut up
07:25 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn the 1/0/0 carrier MASTER
07:58 tier 3 Jukiest
08:01 gas 1 +68 <GhostW> PapoTheKing
08:42 ArianaGrande are immortals good vs carriers?
08:51 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn the IMMORTAL MASTER
08:52 gas 1 +42 megared
09:05 gas 1 +36 ArianaGrande
09:29 bunker destroyed
09:31 gas 2 -52 <GhostW> PapoTheKing
09:32 ArianaGrande is void ray good vs carrier?
09:42 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn the selling MASTER
09:50 ArianaGrande bro overreacted af on immortal
09:52 <GhostW> PapoTheKing the noob master
10:08 gas 2 -71 Jukiest
10:35 gas 2 -84 ArianaGrande
11:15 gas 3 -180 <GhostW> PapoTheKing
11:33 gas 2 -113 megared
12:56 tier 3 megared
13:28 tier 3 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn
13:40 gas 3 -252 ArianaGrande
14:07 gas 2 -190 <L4GNDS> LogicBomb
14:14 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn (sad)
14:15 <L4GNDS> LogicBomb so good carriers
14:34 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn sell them all, add stalkers back
14:36 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn power move
14:44 ArianaGrande pink i win 1v1 wave, you ony win cus blue corrupotr
14:59 ArianaGrande and my zergh is sleeping
15:04 <L4GNDS> LogicBomb ariana: you just did bad math.
15:17 game ended
15:17 <PiNa> PiNaǂScorn THE BLINK MASTER
15:17 Jukiest 1v5