Game #2637780 — 2024-10-25

zerg 23
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 27 | killed: 46k
1011 -22
protoss 210
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 115 | killed: 39k
1633 -22
zerg 168
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 41 | killed: 34k
1686 -22
2611 +22
apm: 4 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 182 | killed: 50k
protoss 146
1039 +22
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 252 | killed: 52k
terran 59
3978 +22
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 381 | killed: 52k
zerg 508


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +363 haiLIFE
00:07 Capphire gl with Dan over there
00:30 Lou throwing
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 Proteus
00:54 tier 2 <DSFagg> DanDavis
01:03 tier 2 Capphire
01:12 tier 2 Lou
01:23 haiLIFE (poo)
01:46 Lou grey gaz i rush ms and carrer and dont give a f
01:52 tier 3 Lou
04:17 Capphire Woo, mothers home early
04:35 haiLIFE GIVE HER my regards xoxo
04:36 gas 1 +226 <DSFagg> DanDavis
04:36 Lou i swear ppl have become really retarded
04:43 Lou i just told you i would
04:53 <DSFagg> DanDavis this dude made mothership and carrier and is calling people retarded, what a fag
04:57 <DSFagg> DanDavis typical ds fag shit
04:59 Lou indeed
05:00 haiLIFE lol
05:02 haiLIFE for 3 games now
05:08 Lou i do it again when you want
05:10 Lou fag
05:22 <DSFagg> DanDavis You are already on my dont play with again list now fag
05:29 Lou go fuck yourself.
05:30 <DSFagg> DanDavis You are shit and eat fat cocks fag
06:09 cannon destroyed
06:11 Capphire Oh my stars, can y'all at least keep it in allies chat?
06:11 gas 1 +101 Proteus
06:12 gas 1 +179 RndmNameHere
06:17 Lou well played
06:18 gas 2 +100 <DSFagg> DanDavis
06:18 Lou ok
06:19 Proteus lol
06:25 <DSFagg> DanDavis 2 games in a row I get retard fags on my team
06:39 Lou i ll call orange afucking piece of shit inmy chat now
06:43 Lou jsut for you
06:51 Lou it s done
06:57 <DSFagg> DanDavis You eat fat cocks fag
07:08 Lou in our chat sob*
07:09 tier 2 haiLIFE
07:15 tier 2 RndmNameHere
07:16 Lou cant you read
07:43 gas 2 +58 RndmNameHere
07:45 <DSFagg> DanDavis I hope they kill all fags like you soon
07:49 Proteus this game needs a ban list app or something
07:54 Capphire Truly
07:55 <DSFagg> DanDavis Yeah
08:03 Lou i agree
08:05 Proteus i have so many players names to add
08:07 <DSFagg> DanDavis Most retarded faggy community around
08:10 Proteus lous is on their now
08:28 Capphire Can you say a sentence without using some form of slur? really
08:30 Lou i wont carry motherfuckers gazing at start
08:36 Lou if you cnat understand that
08:40 Lou gofuckyourself
09:13 gas 3 -62 RndmNameHere
09:17 Lou those 2 bitches deserve to lose
09:22 Lou just fuck them
09:24 Proteus lou ur shit man lol
09:35 <DSFagg> DanDavis Hes a typical ds fag
09:35 Proteus ur wins losses says everything
09:38 Lou and fuck you too on same occasion
09:45 <DSFagg> DanDavis Whats his win percentage?
09:50 <DSFagg> DanDavis Let me guess like 17%
09:58 Lou my win lose is
10:05 Lou protoss 401 780
10:11 Lou terran 159 316
10:18 Lou zerg 191 338
10:25 Proteus terrtible lol
10:26 Lou if you dont like it
10:30 Lou justgoeat shit
10:48 gas 4 -185 RndmNameHere
10:54 bunker destroyed
11:17 Lou funist part i got to justify myself ruining the game instead of carrying assholes
11:23 gas 3 -127 <DSFagg> DanDavis
11:23 Lou you guys are idiots
11:50 Proteus |my team has no aa la besides me lol so we deserve to loose
11:54 gas 2 -68 haiLIFE
11:56 <DSFagg> DanDavis Funny thing is you are still a typical cookie cutter box mold ds fag
12:03 <DSFagg> DanDavis Yeah pink is an ass player
12:03 RndmNameHere why are you all chatting your tears?
12:08 Lou funny thng is fuck off dan
12:14 <DSFagg> DanDavis I played with him last game he was awful and gay
12:23 Capphire Everyone here needs a nap or something, legit
12:39 Lou a slapyou mean
13:04 <DSFagg> DanDavis Rndm you are on my ds fag list
13:10 <DSFagg> DanDavis So you must suck ass at this game
13:11 RndmNameHere Rock on bro
13:14 gas 2 -185 Proteus
13:15 <DSFagg> DanDavis I write down every shitty player
13:22 Lou fuck you dan
13:22 RndmNameHere probably not, it could be that you fucked up and I trolled you (rofl)
13:35 RndmNameHere oh yea, "Fuck you Dan."
13:44 Lou imagine thismohterfucker really have a list for ds players
13:50 Lou fucking moron
13:52 RndmNameHere ^
13:59 Proteus i do lol
14:00 <DSFagg> DanDavis I do, I write down the worst of the worst
14:05 <DSFagg> DanDavis Lets look up his record
14:10 Lou fucking morons
14:35 leaver Proteus
14:36 RndmNameHere "look gais! His record on a team-based, all-pug game is X% LOSSES! LOLOLOLOL"
14:38 gas 3 -225 haiLIFE
14:55 <DSFagg> DanDavis Ahh yeah I remember this fag
15:00 RndmNameHere sure you do
15:02 <DSFagg> DanDavis He sucked ass and said the same thing last time
15:14 <DSFagg> DanDavis 38% win rate retard
15:16 RndmNameHere lol, a generic response
15:26 gas 1 -98 Capphire
15:27 Lou dan you are a piece of shit anyway
15:33 Lou just add hailife
15:40 Lou you would be a pair of balls then
16:08 <DSFagg> DanDavis Nah, I remember you
16:17 <DSFagg> DanDavis You tried to mock me while you sucked ass just like you do now
16:20 RndmNameHere He remembers gais
16:32 RndmNameHere that's the end of the argument. Because he remembers.
16:34 <DSFagg> DanDavis Glad I am not on your team
16:43 RndmNameHere I'm glad you're not on my team too
16:48 tier 3 haiLIFE
16:52 <DSFagg> DanDavis Yeah, take this L fag
16:59 <DSFagg> DanDavis IK you play for it
17:06 RndmNameHere Cry more about your losses kiddo
17:10 game ended
17:10 <DSFagg> DanDavis You lost
17:11 <DSFagg> DanDavis fag
17:15 haiLIFE gj!
17:16 haiLIFE hahahah