Game #2641279 — 2024-10-25

terran 251
apm: 25 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 418 | killed: 11k
5965 +27
protoss 249
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 567 | killed: 8k
4592 +27
zerg 395
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 424 | killed: 16k
5524 +27
1602 -27
apm: 13 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 7k
protoss 125
925 -2
apm: 12 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -4 | killed: 7k
terran 36
4183 -27
apm: 19 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -67 | killed: 5k
terran 124


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:17 <Yepta> Alex hey) gl
00:20 bigly glhf!
00:25 <TeamEX> HEHE glhf
00:25 <TeamEX> HOHO gl noobs
00:37 first unit on mid
00:54 tier 2 Reptile
00:55 tier 2 <TeamEX> HOHO
00:55 tier 2 bigly
01:14 <TeamEX> HOHO D
01:23 Reptile nuub
01:40 tier 2 <Yepta> Alex
01:43 <TeamEX> HOHO D
03:00 cannon destroyed
03:02 gas 1 +15 <TeamEX> HOHO
03:03 gas 1 +14 <TeamEX> HEHE
03:03 <TeamEX> HOHO voids OP!
03:09 Reptile noobs
03:11 gas 1 +10 <Yepta> Alex
03:40 bigly gg
03:40 gas 1 -4 burny
03:43 <TeamEX> HOHO gg
03:45 bigly the voids
03:46 bigly its just
03:48 <TeamEX> HOHO D
03:49 bigly impossible
03:50 <TeamEX> HOHO i feel
03:59 <TeamEX> HOHO brilliant opening
03:59 <TeamEX> HEHE i feel, i very feel
04:04 tier 2 burny
04:10 bigly 500 minerals for nothing
04:17 <TeamEX> HOHO + t2
04:18 <TeamEX> HEHE big rip
04:32 <TeamEX> HOHO he could sell (rofl)
04:42 bigly he could just not do voids to counter banshees?
04:59 <TeamEX> HOHO he saw when I sold them (rofl)
05:00 <TeamEX> HEHE the banshees he didint build
05:39 gas 2 -139 <Yepta> Alex
05:45 gas 1 -67 bigly
06:01 gas 2 -150 <TeamEX> HOHO
06:29 tier 2 <TeamEX> HEHE
08:32 game ended
08:33 <TeamEX> HEHE gg
08:34 <TeamEX> HOHO gg ez
08:35 bigly gg
08:38 <TeamEX> HOHO sorry for the voids