Game #2647752 — 2024-09-28

alarak 689
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 919 | killed: 66k
3715 -75
stetmann 26
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 693 | killed: 54k
4085 -75
stetmann 5
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 692 | killed: 64k
1934 -75
1887 +75
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1125 | killed: 50k
mengsk 18
2303 +75
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1280 | killed: 95k
artanis 24
2075 +75
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1568 | killed: 46k
raynor 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 gas 1 +452 <BILE> Continuum
00:02 gas 1 +450 Asbestos
00:03 gas 1 +450 StingRope
00:14 gas 1 +445 <Koshka> Xenakis
00:15 gas 1 +444 <Tzion> Shanksor
00:17 gas 1 +443 GOLDDIGGIN
00:26 <Tzion> Shanksor GL HF destroy hamas//hezbolah
00:28 <Tzion> Shanksor am Yisrael chai
00:30 StingRope glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:37 <Koshka> Xenakis jew fag
00:59 <Koshka> Xenakis u gonna rush 3 gas u jew?
01:00 tier 2 StingRope
01:00 tier 2 <Koshka> Xenakis
01:07 <Tzion> Shanksor imagine being openly racist and proud of hating someone based on nothing
01:23 <Koshka> Xenakis crazy considering ur openign statement
01:25 <BILE> Continuum i'm racist against white people
01:29 <BILE> Continuum they are lazy and fat
01:32 gas 2 +330 Asbestos
01:34 gas 2 +330 <BILE> Continuum
01:41 StingRope yeh we are lol
01:48 gas 2 +322 GOLDDIGGIN
02:18 <Tzion> Shanksor what a crazy statement. destroy terrorists trying to bomb Israel for no reason other than pure hatred
02:27 <Koshka> Xenakis u both are bombing each other
02:30 tier 3 <Koshka> Xenakis
02:44 <Tzion> Shanksor ok?
02:52 <Tzion> Shanksor they started bombing us and wont stop
02:52 <Koshka> Xenakis sooo i dont like ur kind?
03:00 <Tzion> Shanksor neither do they
03:04 gas 3 +210 <BILE> Continuum
03:10 <Tzion> Shanksor do u wanna have a bomb fight too?
03:13 Asbestos I like talking about politics in my favorite space faction war game
03:14 <Tzion> Shanksor it wont go well for u
03:26 StingRope right...
03:29 gas 3 +197 GOLDDIGGIN
03:31 <Koshka> Xenakis idk what that even means
03:35 <BILE> Continuum it really is the proper forum to discuss politics
03:44 StingRope ohh yeah
03:49 <Tzion> Shanksor that means all of hezbolahs leaders are dead. including nasrallah. not a good idea to launch bombs at Israel.
03:52 <Tzion> Shanksor maybe dont support racism
03:56 <Tzion> Shanksor and hatred
04:01 <BILE> Continuum you got it
04:05 tier 2 <Tzion> Shanksor
04:09 Asbestos Idk sounds like mossad propaganda
04:11 StingRope to bad ther's not a place for actul tlking anymore
04:15 tier 2 Asbestos
04:30 gas 2 +242 StingRope
05:02 <Tzion> Shanksor no unfortunately u have people who are willing to talk, then you have people who just shout racist hateful remarks and choose to support violence
05:13 <Koshka> Xenakis jewish irony
05:16 <Koshka> Xenakis too funny
05:20 <Tzion> Shanksor then when violence is answered with violence, they say "but ur bombing them"
05:30 tier 2 GOLDDIGGIN
05:57 <Tzion> Shanksor imagine being against eradicating terrorism
06:03 <Tzion> Shanksor even the lebanese people are happy about it
06:07 <Koshka> Xenakis id argue jews are terrorist
06:07 gas 2 +193 <Tzion> Shanksor
06:10 <BILE> Continuum i'm imagining it wow
06:21 <Tzion> Shanksor ok, then present that argument xenakis
06:24 gas 2 +184 <Koshka> Xenakis
06:30 <Tzion> Shanksor present supporting arguments
06:42 tier 3 GOLDDIGGIN
06:45 <BILE> Continuum dude I'm trying to play this game
06:50 <Tzion> Shanksor then play
06:53 <Tzion> Shanksor nobody is stopping you
06:53 <Koshka> Xenakis dirty jew
07:03 <Tzion> Shanksor so far your best argument is an insult
07:06 <Koshka> Xenakis yea
07:15 <Tzion> Shanksor so u support terrorists
07:17 <Tzion> Shanksor cool
07:18 tier 2 <BILE> Continuum
07:20 <BILE> Continuum yes
07:21 <Koshka> Xenakis not a coincidence youve been hated for all of civilized history
07:33 <BILE> Continuum go terrorism
07:36 <Koshka> Xenakis nasty yiddite
07:40 <Tzion> Shanksor oh ok, so if its happened for a long time, its justified
07:50 <Tzion> Shanksor i guess learning and advancing as a society isnt something u believe in
07:52 <Tzion> Shanksor makes sense
07:54 gas 3 +64 <Koshka> Xenakis
08:00 Asbestos This hebrew is not very proficient at the game
08:04 <BILE> Continuum I'm hoping to bring back the holy roman empire
08:04 <Koshka> Xenakis LMFGAOOOOO
09:11 <Tzion> Shanksor still waiting for any reasonable argument
09:30 <Koshka> Xenakis u are bombing a country based on a presumed ribvht to be there
09:45 <Tzion> Shanksor and which country is that?
10:00 gas 4 -73 <BILE> Continuum
10:00 gas 4 -74 GOLDDIGGIN
10:25 gas 3 -11 Asbestos
10:25 StingRope well to be fair the jews were just kind of thrushted into the middle east after WW2
10:28 tier 3 Asbestos
10:34 <Tzion> Shanksor not quite sting
11:08 <Tzion> Shanksor in the late 1800s early 1900s they already decided they wanted to create a jewish state, they were originally going to give all of the mandate of palestine to the jews after the ottoman empire fell
11:24 <Tzion> Shanksor and jews were moving there anyways and buying land
11:41 <Tzion> Shanksor but they gave a large portion to create jordan
11:44 StingRope well wither way its not like the jews chose to go bcak
11:51 <Tzion> Shanksor yes we did
11:53 StingRope either
11:54 <Tzion> Shanksor its literally in our books
12:02 <Tzion> Shanksor "we will be in jerusalem next year"
12:18 <Koshka> Xenakis sooo key word your
12:24 <Tzion> Shanksor we've said it for 2000 years basically
12:48 <Tzion> Shanksor but also, with the expulsion of jews from all muslim countries, and after ww2 with the extreme hatred and racism, it encouraged jews to flock to Israel
12:55 StingRope yeha but there is reaason ur not there and been fighting ever since isreal was reformed
13:00 tier 3 StingRope
13:09 <Tzion> Shanksor yes, because the muslims dont like us
13:11 gas 4 -169 Asbestos
13:17 <Koshka> Xenakis no one does btw
13:32 <Tzion> Shanksor xenakis, im glad we can agree that you are infact, a no one
13:45 <Koshka> Xenakis rather be deead than be a jew
14:00 <Tzion> Shanksor sounds great. go join hezbolah or hamas
14:08 StingRope no because GOD disbanded your ppl becauyse they wernt doing what he wsated them to do so he haed rome disbnad them in like AD 52
14:14 tier 3 <Tzion> Shanksor
14:20 <Tzion> Shanksor first off asbestos, thats false
14:35 <Tzion> Shanksor and if u want to talk about "expropriated" they did it to us first, we finally just got back
14:47 <Tzion> Shanksor 2nd off, in the founding documents, we told the arabs, we want them to stay and build Israel with us
14:49 bunker destroyed
14:54 Asbestos tit for that till the end of time then.
14:55 <Tzion> Shanksor instead they waged war the day after independence day
15:05 <Tzion> Shanksor negative, we create security, no tit for tat
15:09 StingRope they didnt want u there
15:10 <Tzion> Shanksor we will crush our enemies
15:13 <Tzion> Shanksor or we can have peace
15:16 <Tzion> Shanksor theres no tit for tat
15:32 <Tzion> Shanksor obviously, thats why they tried to murder Israelis and wipe them off the map
15:37 StingRope u were forced there by the other nations
15:49 <Tzion> Shanksor then when it didnt work and they lost some of their land and many did leave because their armies told them to
16:13 <Tzion> Shanksor and yes, wars happen, people get displaced
16:15 <Tzion> Shanksor now lemme ask u
16:19 <Tzion> Shanksor do u have a problem with pakistan?
16:26 StingRope no not relly
16:26 gas 3 -192 <Tzion> Shanksor
16:36 StingRope i dont have aproblem with jews
16:38 <Tzion> Shanksor pakistan was also created about the same time as Israel, and they also expelled many many people
16:39 tier 3 <BILE> Continuum
16:48 <Tzion> Shanksor xcept nobody cares cause muslims
17:02 <Tzion> Shanksor what u dont understand about the muslim religion is, they dont care whos in charge, as long as they're muslim
17:17 <Tzion> Shanksor cause even when gaza was occupied by egypt, and the west bank by jordan, nobody cared
17:23 StingRope have you reaad a muslim book?
17:26 <Tzion> Shanksor yes
17:31 StingRope you sure?
17:45 <Tzion> Shanksor yes
17:58 StingRope alright....
18:08 <Tzion> Shanksor ever heard of mossab hassan yousef?
18:26 StingRope yeah
18:32 <Tzion> Shanksor he studied it intricately
18:36 <Tzion> Shanksor i urge you to listen to his words
18:42 <Tzion> Shanksor he is a brilliant man
18:49 <Tzion> Shanksor and he grew up as one of the enemy
18:57 <Tzion> Shanksor he literally created the hamas flag
19:09 StingRope sees there is the problem
19:21 <Tzion> Shanksor go on
19:36 StingRope you kust assume they are enemies if they are muslim
19:40 <Tzion> Shanksor negative
19:44 StingRope ok?
19:51 <Tzion> Shanksor muslims serve in the idf
19:59 <BILE> Continuum gg
20:00 <Tzion> Shanksor including druz muslims
20:01 <Tzion> Shanksor gg
20:04 game ended
20:04 StingRope gg guys