Game #2651972 — 2023-07-04

tychus 551
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 559 | killed: 44k
3000 +52
abathur 23
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 447 | killed: 30k
2763 +52
vorazun 8
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 547 | killed: 36k
2603 +52
1927 -52
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 564 | killed: 35k
artanis 47
3017 -52
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 597 | killed: 30k
tychus 116
1490 -52
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 597 | killed: 24k
abathur 92


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +315 Lukas
00:03 gas 1 +315 adiboss
00:05 NeckRomancer (glhf) people
00:05 gas 1 +314 juandr
00:08 adiboss u2m8
00:10 Lukas u2
00:22 gas 1 +305 NeckRomancer
00:25 gas 1 +304 Murk
00:38 first unit on mid
00:56 gas 1 +288 Нафаня
01:00 tier 2 adiboss
01:25 tier 2 juandr
01:52 gas 2 +185 NeckRomancer
02:14 tier 2 Murk
02:31 gas 2 +166 adiboss
02:47 gas 2 +158 juandr
02:48 gas 2 +157 Lukas
03:22 gas 3 +65 NeckRomancer
03:28 NeckRomancer lets get the turret
03:32 gas 2 +135 Murk
03:33 cannon destroyed
03:33 NeckRomancer oops all chat
03:39 adiboss what turret?
03:42 adiboss your mother aint here
03:49 gas 2 +127 Нафаня
04:23 tier 2 NeckRomancer
04:36 tier 2 Нафаня
05:11 tier 3 Нафаня
05:15 tier 3 juandr
06:09 tier 3 NeckRomancer
06:10 tier 3 adiboss
06:57 gas 3 -42 adiboss
07:23 tier 2 Lukas
09:04 gas 3 -105 Murk
10:00 gas 4 -209 NeckRomancer
11:35 gas 3 -181 Нафаня
11:37 adiboss can someone explain to me why is blue trash, but he's calling me trash?
11:39 adiboss thank you for your feedback (rofl)
11:51 juandr but you are trash
11:57 adiboss thank you for your feedback (rofl)
12:12 NeckRomancer insecurities
12:14 adiboss (happy)
12:24 NeckRomancer also this is a common theme in team games
12:30 adiboss (happy)
12:38 NeckRomancer thats why no one should ever take seriously any team games
12:56 NeckRomancer but being a drone in the herd is more important for people
13:01 bunker destroyed
13:10 adiboss (rofl)
13:52 tier 3 Murk
15:27 adiboss gg i guess
15:31 adiboss wish teammates would use brain instead of none
15:33 NeckRomancer Noy tet
15:34 game ended
15:35 NeckRomancer ok gg
15:38 Lukas gg