Game #2656579 — 2024-10-31

terran 889
apm: 20 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 978 | killed: 69k
7876 +8
protoss 113
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1241 | killed: 62k
4390 +8
zerg 974
apm: 30 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1249 | killed: 52k
9470 +8
3858 -8
apm: 64 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 708 | killed: 136k
zerg 129
3511 -8
apm: 15 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 385
terran 291
964 -1
apm: 5 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 31k
protoss 39


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:56 tier 2 <dGreat> NoooB
00:56 tier 2 Rastini
01:17 tier 2 <DSES> Nepenthes
01:31 <dGreat> NoooB sentry is op
01:34 <dGreat> NoooB surely
01:47 tier 2 hiccama
02:17 leaver <DSES> Nepenthes
02:20 <KNDRS> senturonxz wow
02:23 Rastini woot
02:40 gas 1 +355 Rastini
03:00 gas 1 +345 <KNDRS> senturonxz
03:30 gas 1 +330 <dGreat> NoooB
03:41 <dGreat> NoooB nice micro
03:43 <dGreat> NoooB glhf
03:59 tier 2 Bee
04:03 <KNDRS> senturonxz got real and unreal
04:05 cannon destroyed
04:08 <KNDRS> senturonxz yea
04:15 gas 1 +308 Bee
04:25 gas 2 +228 Rastini
04:33 gas 2 +223 <KNDRS> senturonxz
04:35 <dGreat> NoooB what is real?
04:48 <KNDRS> senturonxz unreal and real also get smashed
04:56 tier 2 <KNDRS> senturonxz
05:00 gas 2 +210 <dGreat> NoooB
05:03 <KNDRS> senturonxz it make no sheet dif
06:08 tier 3 Bee
06:16 tier 3 <dGreat> NoooB
06:30 gas 3 +90 <KNDRS> senturonxz
07:41 Rastini i think that +3 attack is nasty
11:10 Rastini just to tough, this is a 3 way street not a 2 way street apperantly
11:13 gas 4 -126 <KNDRS> senturonxz
12:02 leaver hiccama
12:19 Rastini hmmmm
12:49 tier 3 <KNDRS> senturonxz
13:19 gas 2 -39 Bee
13:36 Rastini ey mines
14:31 bunker destroyed
17:39 Rastini can you all just go either air or grounud
17:41 tier 3 Rastini
17:49 Rastini mix wont work for me
19:31 game ended
19:32 Rastini gege
19:33 <dGreat> NoooB ggwp
19:34 <KNDRS> senturonxz gg