Game #2656978 — 2024-11-01

zerg 24
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: -307 | killed: 46k
1777 -11
5504 +11
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 809 | killed: 41k
terran 618
3707 +11
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 934 | killed: 29k
terran 188
2188 +11
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 677 | killed: 34k
terran 196


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:16 draibo u ok 3v1?
00:24 Interstellar shurup woman
00:27 Interstellar i am a god
00:37 Interstellar a teacher dey callz me
00:37 draibo god of anus ^_^
00:38 first unit on mid
00:47 Interstellar i will teach you zome ztuffz todayz
00:48 draibo i love u
00:48 tier 2 Interstellar
00:54 tier 2 gabbriel
00:55 Interstellar love iz d key
00:55 tier 2 draibo
01:13 Interstellar but you still need...
01:17 Interstellar a door
01:33 draibo a gloryhole
01:35 Interstellar you will lurnz lotz n lotz todayz
01:47 Interstellar u mama wuz born in one
02:00 Interstellar all glory to ur momz
02:10 Interstellar in armenia...
02:16 Interstellar dey zing zongz aboutz me
02:21 tier 2 Burnicus
02:37 draibo actually my mum is from armenia kek
02:45 Interstellar i knowz
02:48 Interstellar zhe zingin d zongz
02:54 Interstellar d zongz...
02:58 Interstellar oh zo beatziful
04:28 bunker destroyed
04:30 gas 1 +133 Interstellar
04:30 gas 1 +133 gabbriel
04:30 gas 1 +133 draibo
04:36 Interstellar a godz
04:41 Interstellar teachin hiz childrenz
05:03 draibo u wanna f ur ass baby
05:16 Interstellar i am a godz
05:23 Interstellar d creator of all babyz
05:24 draibo whoa f a gos
05:59 gas 1 +89 Burnicus
06:05 gas 2 +11 Interstellar
06:10 Interstellar a godz
06:12 draibo u've got a sweet ass, rn't ya?
06:13 Interstellar yez
06:14 Interstellar zpy
06:16 Interstellar lurnz
06:19 Interstellar teach otherz
06:19 gas 2 +4 draibo
07:08 draibo this one is a gg babe
07:29 gas 2 -31 Burnicus
07:32 Interstellar a godz
07:35 gas 3 -109 Interstellar
07:42 Interstellar takin hiz childrenz to zchoolz
08:14 gas 3 -129 draibo
08:31 tier 3 Burnicus
10:00 gas 3 -182 Burnicus
10:00 Interstellar a godz
10:14 draibo send nudes babe
10:25 Interstellar a godz iz alwayz nudez
10:35 Interstellar even with hiz childrenz
10:41 Interstellar a godz
10:47 Interstellar like sukking kokk
11:01 Interstellar a godz
11:09 draibo send ass
11:11 Interstellar takin hiz childrenz to zchoolz
12:50 gas 4 -342 Interstellar
13:57 game ended
14:01 draibo gg babe
14:01 gabbriel fy "_