Game #2661298 — 2024-11-01

zerg 228
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 557 | killed: 31k
3528 -108
protoss 51
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 690 | killed: 36k
1310 -108
protoss 156
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -49 | killed: 24k
753 -10
3287 +108
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -257 | killed: 47k
zerg 154
2379 +108
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -192 | killed: 28k
protoss 15
3458 +108
apm: 15 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 56 | killed: 45k
protoss 47


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:12 HadoukenKO WOW...Republican governments like republic or rome, republic of china, czech republic, republic of cuba, republic of congo are dictatorships... most people forget that...
00:37 first unit on mid
00:38 HadoukenKO WOW...Republican governments like republic or rome, republic of china, czech republic, republic of cuba, republic of congo are dictatorships... most people forget that...
00:48 tier 2 Far
00:53 tier 2 Timka
01:54 gas 1 +250 NitzahoN
02:03 tier 2 <WNTR> TundraGaming
03:11 HadoukenKO WOW...Republican governments like republic or rome, republic of china, czech republic, republic of cuba, republic of congo are dictatorships... most people forget that...
03:28 tier 2 SNAFUman
03:45 NitzahoN Yes its ok
04:17 HadoukenKO REPUBLICAN LEAN AND FAVOR DICTATORSHIP REMEBER WOW...Republican governments like republic or rome, republic of china, czech republic, republic of cuba, republic of congo are dictatorships... most people forget that...
04:26 NitzahoN yes
05:00 tier 2 NitzahoN
05:32 cannon destroyed
05:40 gas 1 +137 SNAFUman
06:54 gas 1 +99 Far
07:12 tier 2 HadoukenKO
08:25 gas 1 +54 HadoukenKO
08:54 gas 2 -35 Far
10:10 tier 3 Timka
10:11 gas 2 -74 HadoukenKO
10:21 tier 3 HadoukenKO
10:36 gas 3 -162 Far
10:38 gas 2 -88 NitzahoN
11:19 gas 2 -108 SNAFUman
11:57 gas 3 -202 HadoukenKO
12:05 tier 3 Far
12:11 gas 4 -284 Far
12:31 gas 1 -69 Timka
13:27 gas 1 -97 <WNTR> TundraGaming
14:07 bunker destroyed
14:32 gas 4 -355 HadoukenKO
14:34 SNAFUman gg
14:59 NitzahoN Its ok
15:02 gas 2 -220 <WNTR> TundraGaming
15:13 <WNTR> TundraGaming gg
15:14 game ended