Game #2665238 — 2024-09-13

raynor 302
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 1385 | killed: 65k
5701 +40
raynor 346
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1157 | killed: 62k
3914 +40
stukov 10
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 927 | killed: 49k
1063 +40
4909 -40
apm: 27 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 372 | killed: 95k
mengsk 261
1948 -40
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 845 | killed: 61k
kerrigan 8
1231 -40
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 377 | killed: 33k
stetmann 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:00 gas 1 +419 leeroyyyyyyy
00:03 gas 1 +418 Ilese
00:09 gas 1 +415 CheifNutz
00:16 gas 1 +411 AbductNProbe
00:20 CheifNutz gl hf im tycus
00:29 gas 1 +405 EsKae
00:30 gas 1 +346 bladestorm
00:32 Ilese cool
00:36 leeroyyyyyyy im leeroy
00:38 first unit on mid
00:45 CheifNutz jekins
00:54 CheifNutz lol
01:00 tier 2 Ilese
01:00 tier 2 CheifNutz
01:08 leeroyyyyyyy thats my name rushing 4 gas is my game
01:14 tier 2 bladestorm
01:56 tier 3 CheifNutz
01:58 tier 2 EsKae
02:10 gas 2 +280 EsKae
02:21 tier 2 AbductNProbe
02:38 gas 2 +207 bladestorm
03:24 tier 3 EsKae
03:40 gas 3 +160 EsKae
03:58 gas 2 +225 leeroyyyyyyy
04:23 gas 2 +213 CheifNutz
05:28 CheifNutz hydra is not the answser
05:39 leeroyyyyyyy Go d is
05:52 leeroyyyyyyy jesus**
05:54 tier 2 leeroyyyyyyy
06:15 gas 2 +157 AbductNProbe
06:19 CheifNutz welp gg
06:22 CheifNutz its been real
07:17 CheifNutz theres nothing kerri can do from here
07:21 CheifNutz gg
07:32 leeroyyyyyyy not even cry?
07:37 leeroyyyyyyy at least let her cry
07:48 tier 3 bladestorm
08:02 CheifNutz kerri
08:04 CheifNutz if u leave
08:07 CheifNutz ur team
08:11 CheifNutz might have a chance
09:28 CheifNutz my hyperion big dick energy
09:34 CheifNutz is on its way
09:36 leeroyyyyyyy BBC BDE
10:27 tier 3 Ilese
10:28 CheifNutz 3 gas
10:31 CheifNutz and losing
10:34 CheifNutz solid
11:12 CheifNutz so many fucking retards
11:15 CheifNutz in this game
11:20 CheifNutz blows my mind
11:33 AbductNProbe dude shut up man just play the game
11:36 gas 3 -79 AbductNProbe
11:50 Ilese damn bro you are so good at this game
11:57 EsKae such a small dik for such a huge ego
12:16 leeroyyyyyyy uvbe seen is p e nis?
12:22 EsKae i cant even see it
12:54 gas 3 -176 bladestorm
13:01 gas 2 -46 Ilese
14:31 CheifNutz hyperion online
14:47 leeroyyyyyyy big daddys home
15:04 CheifNutz time to die
15:09 CheifNutz bet luck next year
15:30 cannon destroyed
15:34 CheifNutz its been real
15:37 CheifNutz real ez
16:03 gas 3 -212 CheifNutz
16:34 gas 4 -303 AbductNProbe
17:02 CheifNutz ill sprinkle some tanks
17:04 leaver bladestorm
17:05 CheifNutz under mt bcs
17:08 CheifNutz my
17:25 leeroyyyyyyy vikanins cumming
17:47 AbductNProbe surprised no vikings
17:52 tier 3 AbductNProbe
17:56 CheifNutz fuck vikings
18:10 leeroyyyyyyy how u rly feel tho
18:20 leeroyyyyyyy o gg
18:46 CheifNutz vikings arnt that good they only attack air
19:00 game ended
19:01 Ilese gg
19:04 leeroyyyyyyy kerri