Game #2675270 — 2024-10-31

karax 21
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 745 | killed: 47k
2177 -48
dehaka 2
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 726 | killed: 59k
1728 -48
kerrigan 73
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 744 | killed: 54k
3299 -48
1018 +21
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 732 | killed: 38k
vorazun 16
3540 +48
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 840 | killed: 49k
mengsk 24
3523 +48
apm: 55 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 568 | killed: 43k
artanis 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +399 GayHorner
00:07 gas 1 +396 thatdudety
00:08 gas 1 +396 doublevodka
00:09 gas 1 +396 boredom
00:18 gas 1 +391 squadge
00:22 gas 1 +389 <4LuBu> LuBu
01:00 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 GayHorner
01:00 tier 2 doublevodka
01:00 <4LuBu> LuBu the fuck is what
01:14 tier 2 <4LuBu> LuBu
01:44 tier 2 squadge
01:49 tier 2 thatdudety
01:52 gas 2 +269 <4LuBu> LuBu
02:33 tier 3 squadge
03:00 <4LuBu> LuBu zlots only purple?
03:15 gas 2 +228 squadge
03:22 <4LuBu> LuBu lot of z lots
03:30 gas 2 +220 doublevodka
03:30 <4LuBu> LuBu little lot z lot
03:40 gas 2 +215 thatdudety
03:41 <4LuBu> LuBu lot fot camelot
03:49 tier 3 thatdudety
03:51 thatdudety schitzo
03:54 <4LuBu> LuBu aw what a cuck
03:57 GayHorner wtf stealth zelots!
03:57 <4LuBu> LuBu dude went dt
04:07 <4LuBu> LuBu thats cheating
04:14 GayHorner It's stealth zealots wdym?
04:28 <4LuBu> LuBu nope they are higher ranked
04:29 boredom no my mom is cheating on my dad
04:33 gas 2 +189 boredom
04:37 <4LuBu> LuBu with me
05:10 tier 3 <4LuBu> LuBu
06:03 <4LuBu> LuBu u spin me right round babyyy
06:07 gas 3 +67 boredom
06:16 tier 2 boredom
06:29 <4LuBu> LuBu too bad i will take your soul
06:35 gas 2 +128 GayHorner
06:38 <4LuBu> LuBu n eat it
07:36 <4LuBu> LuBu ill suck ya dick dry
07:40 <4LuBu> LuBu make u cry
07:46 <4LuBu> LuBu suck off ya one eye
07:55 <4LuBu> LuBu baby dont ask why
07:57 <4LuBu> LuBu dont be shy
08:03 tier 3 GayHorner
08:32 <4LuBu> LuBu suck me dry
08:36 <4LuBu> LuBu make me cry
08:40 <4LuBu> LuBu dont ash why
08:40 gas 3 -10 thatdudety
09:35 gas 3 -38 <4LuBu> LuBu
10:32 gas 4 -141 boredom
10:37 GayHorner What's the name of my commander?
12:03 <4LuBu> LuBu call me nicole
12:40 cannon destroyed
12:45 tier 3 boredom
13:01 <4LuBu> LuBu i told u z lot vs z lot
13:04 <4LuBu> LuBu but nooooooo
14:59 <4LuBu> LuBu gg
15:03 <4LuBu> LuBu its over
15:10 bunker destroyed
15:21 <4LuBu> LuBu give up now
15:26 gas 3 -213 doublevodka
17:30 <4LuBu> LuBu i got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshineee
17:57 gas 3 -288 GayHorner
18:14 <4LuBu> LuBu gg
18:14 <4LuBu> LuBu wp
18:15 GayHorner (gg)
18:21 game ended
18:23 doublevodka gg
18:24 boredom gg
18:25 thatdudety gg