Game #2710422 — 2024-11-26

protoss 25
apm: 5 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 96 | killed: 49k
2797 -3
terran 39
apm: 18 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: -6 | killed: 57k
1002 -3
protoss 115
apm: 9 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 2k
2517 -3
909 +1
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1222 | killed: 44k
protoss 388
2478 +3
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1122 | killed: 45k
zerg 141
8737 +3
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1105 | killed: 60k
protoss 716


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 makakaMSK
00:52 tier 2 SaSS
00:58 tier 2 booster
00:59 tier 2 EZvroomPZ
02:02 tier 2 <UER> Rengade
02:16 <NmE> NmExDima scariest movie?
02:30 booster The Hostel
02:35 EZvroomPZ you scared me af
02:47 tier 2 <NmE> NmExDima
04:13 bunker destroyed
04:14 gas 1 +236 booster
04:23 leaver <UER> Rengade
04:30 EZvroomPZ are you guys in a competition to make all the strategic bad choices ?
04:32 gas 1 +227 EZvroomPZ
04:39 gas 1 +224 makakaMSK
04:44 <NmE> NmExDima u catched us
04:53 tier 3 booster
04:56 booster im in that competition
05:08 EZvroomPZ I would like to enter
05:10 <NmE> NmExDima its more funny if u win this way
05:36 EZvroomPZ I am joining you comeptition
06:05 gas 2 +106 EZvroomPZ
06:08 gas 2 +104 booster
06:55 gas 2 +81 makakaMSK
06:55 tier 3 EZvroomPZ
07:38 gas 3 -16 EZvroomPZ
08:08 gas 3 -31 booster
08:53 gas 3 -54 makakaMSK
08:55 gas 1 +96 <NmE> NmExDima
10:07 gas 4 -166 EZvroomPZ
10:27 gas 4 -175 booster
12:18 gas 1 -6 SaSS
14:13 tier 3 SaSS
14:32 tier 3 makakaMSK
15:10 EZvroomPZ we go peepee poopoo on you
15:25 <NmE> NmExDima wtf
16:37 tier 3 <NmE> NmExDima
17:04 EZvroomPZ gg
17:07 game ended