Game #2716256 — 2024-10-07

terran 876
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 256 | killed: 25k
3460 +58
protoss 11
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 287 | killed: 30k
2406 +58
protoss 207
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 186 | killed: 23k
888 +5
1760 -58
apm: 16 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 218 | killed: 18k
protoss 9
2393 -58
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 19 | killed: 21k
protoss 101
3927 -58
apm: 11 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 131 | killed: 25k
zerg 1909


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:29 AssWomb rape bond my shit womb glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 tier 2 Legacy
00:55 tier 2 <DSES> Draelren
02:13 tier 2 AssWomb
03:47 AssWomb ensnatchelment
04:24 tier 2 <C0NDOM> ButFTucker
05:02 tier 2 speakeasy
05:03 AssWomb big black gorillas
05:07 cannon destroyed
05:09 gas 1 +94 Doomdoctor
05:10 gas 1 +94 speakeasy
05:11 gas 1 +93 AssWomb
06:10 AssWomb rape bonded
06:11 tier 3 Legacy
06:14 tier 2 Doomdoctor
06:22 Legacy not a nice word to use freely
06:40 AssWomb can someone tell me why there are indians pooping on beaches in 2024
06:51 gas 2 -31 speakeasy
06:52 Doomdoctor i asked them to
07:21 Legacy that can't be a real thing... im sure some dummy did it for views
07:25 AssWomb its real
07:31 tier 3 Doomdoctor
07:37 AssWomb hilariously they dont have toilets in parts of india, so beach
07:40 Legacy yeah real in the sense that they did it for views
08:01 Legacy i mean here.. i cant speak of conditions there
08:02 bunker destroyed
08:04 gas 1 +7 <C0NDOM> ButFTucker
08:06 gas 1 +6 <DSES> Draelren
08:06 AssWomb someone prob at some cats
08:13 AssWomb but i don't think its pervasive
08:26 AssWomb but it runs the left up into a tizzy which is funny
08:31 gas 1 -7 Legacy
08:36 AssWomb best marketing ever
08:37 Legacy what?
08:46 <DSES> Draelren nah it just makes you guys look like dumbasses for believing it
08:47 AssWomb talking about something = succesful marking
08:56 AssWomb nobody believes it except the left lmao
09:10 <DSES> Draelren the left doesnt believe it though...
09:15 AssWomb the left (cnn) etc is also comp addicted to trump, financially. he makes them billions
09:21 <DSES> Draelren cnn isnt the left lol
09:28 AssWomb look at earnings charts when he's around and isnt
09:31 AssWomb uh, yes they are
09:34 gas 2 -113 <C0NDOM> ButFTucker
09:35 <DSES> Draelren no, they arent
09:40 tier 3 <DSES> Draelren
09:45 AssWomb ah, the news is fair and unbiased kind of guy
09:50 <DSES> Draelren they prop up the same capitalistic system that the right wing does
11:02 AssWomb right, but you're going to tell me don lemon doesn't rep the left?
11:08 <DSES> Draelren he does not
11:12 AssWomb same as tucker is the right essentially
11:25 AssWomb they're both fake, same golfing group
11:28 <DSES> Draelren the left has no real presence in the US
11:34 AssWomb but the psy op is they're against each other
11:35 tier 3 <C0NDOM> ButFTucker
11:41 AssWomb thank god for that
11:49 AssWomb we have enough trannie kid story times
11:59 <DSES> Draelren trans rights are human rights, get fucked bigot
12:01 AssWomb harris 2024, trannie kids are the future
12:05 AssWomb LMAO
12:09 AssWomb cucked out bro
12:10 Doomdoctor gg
12:12 AssWomb sad to see
12:19 <DSES> Draelren you're a dumbass
12:21 AssWomb men are women now, that's where you're at
12:26 AssWomb you don't even know what a woman is
12:38 <DSES> Draelren women are women*
12:41 AssWomb LMAO
12:41 Legacy yeah
12:43 AssWomb retarded af
12:46 Legacy what do you mean?
12:56 Legacy how old are you?!
13:02 <DSES> Draelren you tell me what is a woman.
13:09 AssWomb you don't know what a woman is and im dumb?
13:16 <DSES> Draelren if you say someone who can get pregnant, what about cisgender women who are infertile?
13:19 AssWomb you're brainwashed to fuck bro
13:19 game ended
13:21 AssWomb sucks for you