Game #2718671 — 2024-11-30

artanis 74
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 836 | killed: 95k
2294 -2
raynor 5
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 811 | killed: 137k
2304 -2
5791 +2
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2055 | killed: 128k
stukov 147
8985 +2
apm: 60 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1545 | killed: 132k
dehaka 1765


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +539 <TMLZ> SaneBg
00:02 gas 1 +539 BIGS
00:14 gas 1 +533 xixcel
00:17 gas 1 +531 <DSGoku> TITAN
00:37 first unit on mid
01:10 tier 2 <TMLZ> SaneBg
01:50 tier 2 <DSGoku> TITAN
01:59 xixcel 25$;p
02:07 xixcel ho that ray !
02:21 xixcel just back from the bong (flex)
02:30 <TMLZ> SaneBg u okay boy?
02:34 <TMLZ> SaneBg too much starcraft?
02:47 xixcel i played alot ladder 25k games in sc 2
02:48 tier 3 <DSGoku> TITAN
02:57 BIGS no life
02:59 BIGS stfu
03:01 BIGS play
03:02 <TMLZ> SaneBg yea I can tell, it looks like you don't have even basic social skills
03:04 xixcel semi retired ;p
03:04 BIGS s t f u
03:23 xixcel im too rich to work ;p
03:31 xixcel only 25 hour a week now ;p
03:44 <TMLZ> SaneBg that's a lot of work
03:49 xixcel nop ;p
04:01 tier 2 BIGS
04:08 <TMLZ> SaneBg I haven't worked that much in half a decade
04:14 xixcel (surprised)
04:30 xixcel 7-12 5 days a week that ok
04:34 <DSGoku> TITAN where are you from?
04:44 <TMLZ> SaneBg Europe
04:56 <DSGoku> TITAN Bulgaria
05:06 xixcel quebec (flex)
05:53 gas 2 +288 xixcel
06:02 gas 2 +283 BIGS
06:03 gas 2 +283 <TMLZ> SaneBg
06:30 gas 2 +270 <DSGoku> TITAN
06:35 xixcel never high templar
06:38 xixcel archon instead
06:39 <TMLZ> SaneBg chill (happy)
06:55 xixcel well that free tips !
07:11 <TMLZ> SaneBg archon costs 2 times more and always rush forward to get killed
07:24 xixcel hey i played 25k games of that too
07:27 xixcel soooooo
07:34 <TMLZ> SaneBg well, enjoy then
08:31 tier 2 xixcel
08:53 xixcel arta is really hard to play
09:03 xixcel but on eu sever i went 131-1 with artanis lol
09:34 bunker destroyed
09:58 gas 3 +90 xixcel
10:28 tier 3 <TMLZ> SaneBg
12:16 tier 3 xixcel
12:31 gas 3 +14 <TMLZ> SaneBg
12:53 xixcel late haka so fat !
13:21 gas 3 -11 BIGS
15:20 gas 3 -70 <DSGoku> TITAN
18:17 tier 3 BIGS
21:29 gas 4 -330 <DSGoku> TITAN
23:00 game ended
23:05 BIGS ez
23:07 <TMLZ> SaneBg too ez