Game #2799212 — 2025-01-18

tychus 1466
apm: 4 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -94 | killed: 0
... ...
kerrigan 32
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 94 | killed: 25k
... ...
raynor 4
apm: 23 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -80 | killed: 22k
... ...
... ...
apm: 4 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -32 | killed: 15k
stetmann 7
... ...
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -40 | killed: 17k
mengsk 68
... ...
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -36 | killed: 18k
raynor 36


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +89 Cropduster
00:19 gas 1 +81 Jhondragon
00:21 gas 1 +80 Infilk
00:22 Cropduster Whats up with that message every game?
00:32 gas 1 +74 SloppySquash
00:39 Infilk no idea
00:43 Infilk first time seeing it myself
00:45 gas 1 +68 TownNative
00:47 first unit on mid
00:47 Jhondragon some dumb people voted Trump in
00:51 tier 2 SloppySquash
00:52 Jhondragon and now we are laughing stock
00:52 tier 2 Cropduster
01:00 Cropduster normal lib saying such
01:04 Jhondragon Richest country in the world where citizens dont have their own houses
01:06 tier 2 Jhondragon
01:06 tier 2 Infilk
01:10 TownNative lmao
01:17 gas 1 +52 <RSM> RussianMan
01:18 Jhondragon about to put a landlord as president
01:19 Cropduster Now, thats fair
01:22 Jhondragon to raise their rents
01:41 Cropduster Doesnt have anything to do who is Pres, but that fair
01:52 gas 2 -40 Jhondragon
02:02 tier 2 TownNative
02:04 tier 3 Jhondragon
02:11 gas 2 -50 Infilk
02:23 Cropduster Given the fact that was under the current Pres. doesnt change what crap housing is in USA
02:27 gas 2 -58 Cropduster
02:52 gas 2 -70 <RSM> RussianMan
02:56 Jhondragon big issue is that generally federal govenment does not control housing
03:01 gas 2 -75 TownNative
03:03 Jhondragon except for some minor regulations but
03:29 Jhondragon now trump will erase all regulations that prevented hoarding and probably override state laws
03:30 Cropduster Gov is the problem
03:54 Jhondragon stupid people that think there can be no govt is the problem
03:55 gas 2 -102 SloppySquash
04:03 Jhondragon there will always be a government
04:10 TownNative shadow gov
04:11 Cropduster True, no law is bad
04:20 tier 2 <RSM> RussianMan
04:20 Cropduster But over law is worse
04:25 gas 3 -192 Cropduster
04:31 gas 3 -195 Infilk
04:31 gas 3 -195 TownNative
04:37 gas 3 -198 <RSM> RussianMan
04:37 gas 3 -198 Jhondragon
04:52 Cropduster Where do you think the founding Fathers came up with this country?
04:55 Cropduster Over Gov
05:01 Cropduster Fine line
05:14 Jhondragon u took one government and made instead 14 governments
05:20 Jhondragon governments will always exist
05:28 Cropduster We seek a better Gov
05:28 tier 3 SloppySquash
05:34 Cropduster Its not perfect
05:41 Cropduster Better than what we had.
05:42 bunker destroyed
05:42 Jhondragon u are literally playing a game in your free time,
05:51 tier 3 <RSM> RussianMan
05:54 Cropduster And winning
05:55 Jhondragon whatever government exists will not be of your liking because u aint building it
05:58 Cropduster You are welcome
07:08 tier 3 TownNative
08:00 TownNative gg
08:02 game ended
08:02 <RSM> RussianMan ))))))
08:03 Cropduster gg