Game #2823567 — 2025-02-06

hanhorner 1869
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1555 | killed: 388k
... ...
vorazun 131
apm: 8 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1381 | killed: 164k
... ...
mengsk 34
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1200 | killed: 213k
... ...
... ...
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2519 | killed: 298k
stukov 69
... ...
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2843 | killed: 313k
kerrigan 29
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 2838 | killed: 292k
abathur 2154


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +662 Moidah
00:11 gas 1 +657 <T0XlK> mscdex
00:13 gas 1 +656 Alumm
00:19 gas 1 +531 andree
00:23 gas 1 +651 Empathy
00:45 first unit on mid
00:52 gas 1 +637 <SlggrS> JJMa
00:56 tier 2 Moidah
00:57 tier 2 <T0XlK> mscdex
00:58 tier 2 Alumm
01:04 tier 2 andree
01:39 tier 2 Empathy
01:59 gas 2 +528 Alumm
02:13 gas 2 +399 andree
02:39 gas 2 +508 Moidah
02:40 tier 3 Empathy
02:44 tier 2 <SlggrS> JJMa
02:48 gas 2 +504 Empathy
02:58 tier 3 Alumm
03:01 gas 2 +497 <SlggrS> JJMa
03:31 gas 2 +482 <T0XlK> mscdex
04:10 tier 3 Moidah
04:24 gas 3 +259 andree
05:07 bunker destroyed
05:17 tier 3 <T0XlK> mscdex
05:47 tier 3 andree
05:55 gas 3 +336 Moidah
08:01 gas 3 +272 Empathy
08:52 gas 3 +247 <SlggrS> JJMa
09:04 gas 3 +241 Alumm
09:20 gas 3 +233 <T0XlK> mscdex
10:09 gas 4 +11 andree
11:11 gas 4 +102 Empathy
11:18 gas 4 +99 Alumm
12:57 gas 4 +49 Moidah
14:36 gas 4 +0 <SlggrS> JJMa
15:58 tier 3 <SlggrS> JJMa
18:19 <T0XlK> mscdex you made a pride?
19:30 <T0XlK> mscdex on a scale of 1-69 that ranks sucking off a purple dildo
19:44 Empathy why purple
19:58 <T0XlK> mscdex because it's as close to lifelike as possible
20:07 andree greeen is a poop like his mom his making galleon instead of mines
20:10 gas 4 -167 <T0XlK> mscdex
20:20 andree im the only one with air lol
20:27 andree his mom made him in the bathroom
20:29 andree hahahahaha
20:35 andree thats why hes a poop
20:50 Empathy high level comentary here
20:56 <T0XlK> mscdex his dad is one of the dudes that jerked off into the egg mcmuffin on superbowl sunday behind the gas station
21:09 andree hes a clon of his mom
21:12 andree lol
22:42 andree welll green likes to be fuccked like his mom
22:51 andree im leaving cause im fucking his mom
22:56 Empathy sad
22:59 andree u can fuck him in the tgame hahahahaha
23:02 Empathy coward
23:02 leaver andree
25:20 tier 4 Empathy
25:22 tier 4 Alumm
25:22 tier 4 Moidah
27:02 tier 4 <T0XlK> mscdex
27:07 game ended