Game #2830437 — 2024-11-11

tychus 3
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 1
minerals: 261 | killed: 23k
... ...
stetmann 17
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 155 | killed: 18k
... ...
raynor 44
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1795 | killed: 491k
... ...
... ...
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 5
minerals: 2158 | killed: 176k
abathur 11
... ...
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3286 | killed: 218k
vorazun 25
... ...
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 2790 | killed: 221k
alarak 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +192 KerryCaverga
00:06 gas 1 +849 Ozy
00:08 gas 1 +848 kupskoTrola
00:13 gas 1 +207 chilldaddy
00:28 gas 1 +837 Grzezii
00:57 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 KerryCaverga
01:43 gas 2 +87 chilldaddy
02:02 tier 2 Ozy
02:04 tier 2 kupskoTrola
02:33 gas 2 +700 kupskoTrola
03:10 gas 2 +682 Grzezii
03:11 tier 3 KerryCaverga
03:13 gas 3 -33 chilldaddy
03:16 tier 2 <wive> GoldCluster
04:23 gas 1 +720 <wive> GoldCluster
05:12 gas 2 -37 KerryCaverga
05:43 tier 2 Grzezii
06:00 tier 3 Ozy
06:20 tier 3 Grzezii
07:53 gas 2 +540 Ozy
08:25 gas 3 +449 Grzezii
11:29 leaver KerryCaverga
11:51 bunker destroyed
11:55 gas 3 +344 Ozy
12:07 leaver chilldaddy
12:11 gas 4 +261 Grzezii
13:11 gas 2 +381 <wive> GoldCluster
14:12 <wive> GoldCluster i decoded fear and artificial beautiy as vector (rofl)
16:37 <wive> GoldCluster but it feels so meant for someone who lost a arm for real or sth. (rofl)
18:05 <wive> GoldCluster thats realy a mean vector but judging by how im buil i used it more as ones (rofl)
19:20 gas 3 +122 kupskoTrola
19:22 <wive> GoldCluster like why am i only 30% in my body (rofl)
19:42 kupskoTrola bro, what are u talking about
20:12 <wive> GoldCluster yeah
21:13 <wive> GoldCluster i decoded the "universe" as sound node (rofl)
21:30 kupskoTrola share whatever u are smoking (silly)
23:24 <wive> GoldCluster like yes daddy i always was a reztared girl in my bodys (rofl)
24:08 tier 3 kupskoTrola
24:13 <wive> GoldCluster its a standing node
24:54 <wive> GoldCluster what you want if its worth the pain mathematic (rofl)
25:19 tier 3 <wive> GoldCluster
25:35 tier 4 Ozy
25:38 tier 4 <wive> GoldCluster
26:20 tier 4 Grzezii
27:01 <wive> GoldCluster if you are only in your brain your peins and your heart then you has much moe denser but you are in conroll (rofl)
28:39 <wive> GoldCluster you want them sky yeah their is parallel worlds thats them promise (rofl)
29:05 cannon destroyed
29:24 <wive> GoldCluster cause i doecoded it as sound node 10000% their is parallel worlds
30:03 <wive> GoldCluster you find them moon and them earth and them sun ova an ova agian
30:09 tier 5 <wive> GoldCluster
30:56 tier 5 Ozy
31:05 tier 5 Grzezii
31:36 <wive> GoldCluster i gave ou gats you can build the othe door if you land
32:26 <wive> GoldCluster you dont have to i find biol signatures ova time but you cayn
33:24 game ended
33:24 kupskoTrola gg
33:26 Grzezii gg
33:29 Ozy gg