Game #2834031 — 2024-08-21

stetmann 1
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 339 | killed: 107k
... ...
raynor 1
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1221 | killed: 110k
... ...
swann 10
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1445 | killed: 141k
... ...
... ...
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1508 | killed: 139k
hanhorner 97
... ...
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1749 | killed: 114k
stukov 116
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1536 | killed: 113k
artanis 15


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +682 SKILLET
00:05 gas 1 +681 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
00:14 gas 1 +648 SkullBhz
00:18 gas 1 +675 DEATHSTAR
00:38 first unit on mid
00:59 gas 1 +654 monsad
01:00 tier 2 SKILLET
01:23 tier 2 urdogshi
01:38 tier 2 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
01:39 tier 2 SkullBhz
01:40 gas 2 +559 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
01:44 tier 2 monsad
01:50 gas 2 +525 SkullBhz
02:39 tier 3 urdogshi
02:40 gas 2 +529 SKILLET
03:18 tier 3 SkullBhz
03:26 tier 2 DEATHSTAR
05:28 gas 3 +341 SkullBhz
05:51 tier 3 SKILLET
06:35 gas 2 +411 DEATHSTAR
07:28 tier 3 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
07:29 urdogshi who is lagging back tf out
07:32 urdogshi shitcan
07:40 urdogshi this is a 15 yr old game
07:44 gas 1 +452 urdogshi
09:16 gas 2 +331 monsad
10:51 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial ???
10:52 SKILLET found him
10:52 urdogshi oh its skull
10:53 urdogshi hes lagging the game an he's a trash teammate
10:56 urdogshi what an actual piece of shit
10:59 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial fuxk
11:10 urdogshi he literally ares rushed as anti air
11:18 urdogshi as a counter attempt to you L|MFAO
11:39 gas 3 +185 monsad
11:52 SKILLET to be fair hes kinda screwed vs artanis air anyway
11:56 SKILLET but still
12:04 SKILLET so laggy (sad)
12:06 urdogshi when you t3 rush and build 4 ares and thats it yeah
12:10 urdogshi we do have a raynor on our team
12:20 urdogshi if he left we would just ez win
12:22 urdogshi but hes troll af
13:17 gas 3 +135 DEATHSTAR
13:45 gas 4 +46 monsad
13:48 gas 3 +120 SKILLET
14:00 urdogshi leave skull
14:01 urdogshi or fucking close the apps on your computer
14:02 urdogshi stop being a shit can
14:08 SKILLET don't look at the battle if you've been doing that
14:09 monsad hey! fix it!
14:09 bunker destroyed
14:22 urdogshi no way this guy is playing on a pentium 2 or something
14:28 urdogshi even a 15 year old computer maxes this game easily
14:46 SKILLET or just turn down graphics...
14:47 gas 3 +90 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
15:02 SKILLET or if someone is downloading/streaming on the same wifi
15:34 tier 3 monsad
15:44 urdogshi wow goliaths are good against air (surprised)
16:39 gas 4 -69 SkullBhz
17:11 gas 2 +93 urdogshi
18:43 gas 3 -28 urdogshi
21:15 gas 4 -178 urdogshi
25:13 tier 4 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
25:14 tier 4 SKILLET
25:16 tier 4 urdogshi
25:24 tier 4 monsad
25:59 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial fk
26:02 urdogshi stop motion
26:05 SKILLET lol
26:05 urdogshi dummy is watching the fight again
26:08 urdogshi bro normally this never happens till 50m+
26:13 DEATHSTAR this game is rough
26:14 gas 4 -328 SKILLET
26:37 SKILLET ngl havent looked at battle in 10 mins
26:50 SKILLET youtube on my phone and place units...
26:52 leaver SkullBhz
26:56 urdogshi thank god
26:59 SKILLET whoa!
26:59 urdogshi he couldnt take the abuse anymore
27:04 urdogshi i was abusing him nonstop
27:08 gas 4 -355 <DSGWT> MoEOfficial
27:09 urdogshi holy
27:26 DEATHSTAR yeah that was rough bro
27:30 SKILLET yeah you seem a little abusive
27:37 DEATHSTAR kinda a dick move
27:49 game ended
27:50 SKILLET gg lol