Game #2839751 — 2024-12-24

alarak 2
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1177 | killed: 35k
... ...
vorazun 48
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1254 | killed: 25k
... ...
zagara 29
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 803 | killed: 37k
... ...
... ...
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: -90 | killed: 2k
mengsk 1
... ...
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 491 | killed: 54k
raynor 34
... ...
apm: 37 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: 311 | killed: 33k
alarak 11


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +24 DJX
00:04 gas 1 +319 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
00:10 gas 1 +316 stfunoob
00:11 gas 1 +315 Stranton
00:21 gas 1 +311 <OCTB> Charlie
00:38 first unit on mid
00:51 stfunoob do you guys love me or what man
01:00 DJX no
01:00 tier 2 Stranton
01:05 stfunoob *gasp*
01:09 tier 2 DJX
01:26 tier 2 <OCTB> Charlie
01:36 tier 2 stfunoob
01:44 gas 2 +194 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
02:07 gas 2 -114 DJX
02:28 tier 2 rojolisk
03:00 gas 1 +231 rojolisk
03:03 tier 3 rojolisk
03:18 gas 2 +147 Stranton
03:45 cannon destroyed
04:22 stfunoob we got the armor baybay
04:31 gas 2 +110 rojolisk
05:07 tier 2 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
05:13 gas 3 +14 Stranton
05:27 gas 2 +83 stfunoob
05:42 stfunoob you have too many supplicants alark
05:47 stfunoob WAAAAAAAAAAAY too many
05:50 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
05:50 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV is mengsk
05:50 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV it's a fettish
05:50 rojolisk ala red
05:50 rojolisk how is crap internet a thing after covid?
05:50 rojolisk im literally watching a stream and streaming myself
05:50 rojolisk welp
05:50 stfunoob because hes poorer than a homeless guy
05:50 stfunoob damn red you sick fuck sacraficing peseasnts
05:50 stfunoob o.O
05:50 stfunoob was that alark
05:50 leaver DJX
05:58 stfunoob bro wasnt poor he was POOR
06:27 gas 3 -22 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV
07:00 stfunoob oh now all the supplicants make sense
08:09 tier 3 stfunoob
08:49 gas 3 -93 rojolisk
10:39 gas 4 -223 rojolisk
11:17 stfunoob gee gee
11:20 stfunoob (i think)
11:22 <ØGÐ> DEnnISGTAV gee gee
15:43 game ended