Game #2840559 — 2025-02-15

vorazun 188
apm: 0 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 179 | killed: 0
... ...
abathur 45
apm: 116 | gas: 1 | tier: 4
minerals: 967 | killed: 178k
... ...
nova 180
apm: 19 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1206 | killed: 149k
... ...
... ...
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 885 | killed: 100k
tychus 15
... ...
apm: 18 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1311 | killed: 139k
mengsk 109
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 699 | killed: 100k
vorazun 84


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +667 <NSE> Dimion
00:07 gas 1 +665 Rianak
00:11 gas 1 +663 AnRG
00:21 gas 1 +657 <DSGoku> McPoopy
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <NSE> Dimion
01:00 tier 2 Rianak
01:00 tier 2 AnRG
01:03 gas 1 +637 IRockmanI
01:30 tier 2 IRockmanI
01:59 tier 3 <NSE> Dimion
02:12 tier 2 <DSGoku> McPoopy
03:30 afk <NoGass> NoSexNoLuv
06:04 gas 2 +411 Rianak
06:20 gas 2 +403 <DSGoku> McPoopy
07:17 gas 2 +375 IRockmanI
08:14 tier 3 AnRG
11:21 tier 3 IRockmanI
12:50 gas 3 +133 <DSGoku> McPoopy
13:18 gas 3 +119 Rianak
15:02 tier 3 Rianak
15:04 gas 4 -9 Rianak
16:35 <NSE> Dimion ngl yall smell like tryhard
16:40 cannon destroyed
16:41 AnRG fuck off
16:42 <NSE> Dimion kinda stinks, take a shower
16:45 AnRG leaver?
16:58 <DSGoku> McPoopy what's a tryhard?
16:59 <NSE> Dimion leaver has to do with tryhard because?
17:16 <NSE> Dimion oh dsgoku, you virgins know exactly what that is
17:29 <DSGoku> McPoopy you know what "tight" or "fresh" means? each generation has their own lingo that other generations dont understand
17:30 <NSE> Dimion buncha nova players, sunay is the most foul mouthed cunt in sc
17:48 <DSGoku> McPoopy lol, "Virgins"? Are you in middle school?
18:18 <NSE> Dimion did that strike a nerve out of everything i said? sorry it hurt so bad
18:21 <DSGoku> McPoopy Besides I used to fornicate a lot, but now I'm celibate (happy) and I quit watching porn and masstturrbating
18:21 gas 3 -33 IRockmanI
18:27 <DSGoku> McPoopy nope not at all
18:33 <NSE> Dimion fornicate, mhm
18:41 <DSGoku> McPoopy fornicate = sex outside marriage
18:52 <DSGoku> McPoopy it's a serious sin
18:54 <NSE> Dimion yeah they used to say that back in the 1800s
19:09 <DSGoku> McPoopy yup, when people had this thing called morals
19:27 <NSE> Dimion what your parents were lacking, got it
19:27 <DSGoku> McPoopy now almost everybody is quite possibly going to Hell
19:42 <DSGoku> McPoopy if they dont repent
20:29 <DSGoku> McPoopy But now I consider being a Virgin as a good thing, if more people stayed virgins, World War 3 wouldn't be on the way
20:37 <NSE> Dimion cept it isnt
20:43 <DSGoku> McPoopy If you say so
20:47 <NSE> Dimion i do say so
20:52 <NSE> Dimion sound like someone with tds
20:54 <DSGoku> McPoopy Putin is going to invade Europe next year
21:44 <DSGoku> McPoopy Prophecies of World War 3 have been going on for a while now, God wants us to turn away from sin and turn our hardened hearts into kind and loving soft child-like hearts
21:54 <DSGoku> McPoopy Many people have become corrupt
22:00 <DSGoku> McPoopy and have wicked and cold hearts
22:04 gas 4 -219 IRockmanI
22:08 <DSGoku> McPoopy God wants our hearts to be soft and loving and pure and innocent
22:10 <DSGoku> McPoopy and holy
22:50 bunker destroyed
22:52 gas 2 -93 <NSE> Dimion
22:53 <DSGoku> McPoopy One holy woman was keeping Poland safe, before NAzi Germany and Soviet Union invaded it in 1939
23:16 <DSGoku> McPoopy This woman died in 1938, after she died, our Lord had no reason to spare it anymore
23:29 <DSGoku> McPoopy And used wicked and evil nations to punish Poland, before those wicked nations were punished themselves
23:41 <NSE> Dimion you still talking
23:46 <DSGoku> McPoopy same thing is happening all over again
23:56 <DSGoku> McPoopy you should listen instead of being ignorant and prideful (happy)
24:03 <DSGoku> McPoopy everything I say is true
24:04 <NSE> Dimion to retards? naah
24:12 <DSGoku> McPoopy okay, good day beloved
24:29 gas 4 -291 <DSGoku> McPoopy
25:19 tier 4 AnRG
25:23 tier 4 Rianak
26:04 <NSE> Dimion m,aybe if you played harder luike your guy supporting you covered in sweat you might be doing better
26:25 <NSE> Dimion just a thought
27:17 game ended
27:19 <DSGoku> McPoopy gg
27:22 <NSE> Dimion like your story, a loss