Game #2841931 — 2025-02-16

raynor 20
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 624 | killed: 29k
... ...
nova 19
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 654 | killed: 30k
... ...
hanhorner 2
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 669 | killed: 26k
... ...
... ...
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 314 | killed: 28k
swann 20
... ...
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -21 | killed: 16k
mengsk 142
... ...
apm: 23 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 2 | killed: 21k
mengsk 11


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +228 stealthEAGLE
00:02 gas 1 +228 <ANTS> LiMeise
00:03 gas 1 +227 zumbasPhutas
00:04 gas 1 +227 Brulsmurf
00:05 gas 1 +226 <PlantZ> Einstein
00:07 gas 1 +225 DONK
00:58 first unit on mid
00:59 tier 2 <ANTS> LiMeise
01:00 tier 2 DONK
01:32 gas 2 +108 <ANTS> LiMeise
01:33 gas 2 +107 zumbasPhutas
01:34 gas 2 +107 Brulsmurf
01:35 gas 2 +106 <PlantZ> Einstein
01:37 gas 2 +105 DONK
01:55 gas 2 +96 stealthEAGLE
02:30 tier 2 <PlantZ> Einstein
03:18 gas 3 -20 zumbasPhutas
03:21 gas 3 -22 DONK
03:27 gas 3 -25 <PlantZ> Einstein
03:29 gas 3 -26 Brulsmurf
03:34 gas 3 -28 <ANTS> LiMeise
04:00 gas 3 -41 stealthEAGLE
04:05 tier 2 zumbasPhutas
04:45 tier 3 DONK
05:14 tier 3 <PlantZ> Einstein
05:45 tier 2 stealthEAGLE
05:54 tier 2 Brulsmurf
07:59 cannon destroyed
09:03 tier 3 Brulsmurf
09:42 tier 3 <ANTS> LiMeise
09:43 <PlantZ> Einstein fuck you red brainrod retard motherfucker
09:51 Brulsmurf ^^
10:09 <PlantZ> Einstein stupid motherfucker
10:12 gas 4 -302 DONK
10:20 gas 4 -306 <ANTS> LiMeise
10:22 Brulsmurf going armoured vs my row of maurader commando's was an interesting tactic ^^
10:41 gas 4 -317 Brulsmurf
10:50 <PlantZ> Einstein i just did what red did
10:52 gas 4 -322 stealthEAGLE
10:53 <PlantZ> Einstein trolling
11:04 gas 4 -328 <PlantZ> Einstein
11:08 Brulsmurf no worries, just a game
11:16 zumbasPhutas thats what I keep telling him
11:16 <PlantZ> Einstein so red wants to lose, why should it take long?
11:21 zumbasPhutas but boy is too stressed.
11:29 <PlantZ> Einstein we can speed that up
11:44 <PlantZ> Einstein braindead idiot
12:39 game ended
12:39 stealthEAGLE ez
12:42 Brulsmurf gg
12:42 <PlantZ> Einstein congratulations red
12:44 <PlantZ> Einstein fuck you