Game #2847939 — 2025-02-22

terran 106
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1080 | killed: 52k
... ...
terran 136
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1543 | killed: 60k
... ...
terran 1310
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 1551 | killed: 69k
... ...
... ...
apm: 2 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
zerg 349
... ...
apm: 26 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 861 | killed: 71k
protoss 2
... ...
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 512 | killed: 76k
terran 13


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +425 <Ok> Player
00:07 <NexG> NME glhf
00:37 first unit on mid
00:52 leaver <FackU> Ephialtes
01:30 gas 1 +381 <ZACKY> DJBomber
02:17 cannon destroyed
02:21 gas 1 +355 Chilak
02:26 gas 2 +278 <Ok> Player
02:32 tier 2 <Ok> Player
03:22 gas 1 +325 <NexG> NME
03:43 gas 1 +315 Nuke
03:54 tier 2 Nuke
04:13 tier 2 Chilak
04:25 bunker destroyed
04:27 gas 3 +143 <Ok> Player
04:35 tier 2 <NexG> NME
04:55 gas 2 +203 <ZACKY> DJBomber
06:02 tier 2 <ZACKY> DJBomber
06:45 gas 2 +149 Chilak
07:44 tier 3 Chilak
07:48 gas 2 +117 <NexG> NME
08:23 tier 3 Nuke
09:40 gas 2 +61 Nuke
10:21 gas 4 -110 <Ok> Player
10:51 tier 3 <Ok> Player
11:00 gas 3 -54 <NexG> NME
12:51 gas 3 -110 Nuke
13:21 gas 3 -124 Chilak
15:46 gas 3 -197 <ZACKY> DJBomber
17:31 <NexG> NME gg
17:42 <Ok> Player your mom
17:46 Nuke whoa
17:53 Nuke you gonna bang her?
18:05 tier 3 <ZACKY> DJBomber
18:10 Chilak cant... >>)
18:18 Nuke then shut the fuck up about my mom
18:21 gas 4 -349 Nuke
18:22 Chilak Shes too fat hahahah
18:26 <Ok> Player hohohohoohoh
18:28 Nuke not true
18:30 Nuke actually
18:38 <Ok> Player very true
18:48 <Ok> Player shes thicc
18:52 Nuke shes been dead for 10 years so I doubt shes very fat
18:58 <Ok> Player gg ez
19:09 Chilak at best... I wet the back of her knee
19:13 game ended
19:16 <NexG> NME gg