Game #2848696 — 2025-02-23

dehaka 14
apm: 13 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2141 | killed: 93k
... ...
artanis 71
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2065 | killed: 115k
... ...
tychus 811
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 2318 | killed: 70k
... ...
... ...
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1380 | killed: 91k
vorazun 2
... ...
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1276 | killed: 80k
tychus 8
... ...
apm: 27 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 609 | killed: 99k
tychus 55


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +609 <DSKOR> Kuma
00:02 <DSRTNG> Alex glhf | See your stats >
00:04 gas 1 +608 <DSRTNG> Alex
00:10 gas 1 +605 Gabriel
00:15 gas 1 +603 asdfasdf
00:17 gas 1 +601 <DSFun> Ixir
00:49 gas 1 +585 <Causa> Levirunge
00:58 first unit on mid
01:01 tier 2 asdfasdf
01:04 tier 2 <DSFun> Ixir
01:46 tier 3 asdfasdf
01:53 gas 2 +479 asdfasdf
03:55 gas 2 +418 <Causa> Levirunge
04:04 gas 2 +413 Gabriel
04:30 Gabriel well fook
05:23 gas 3 +298 asdfasdf
06:13 gas 3 +273 <Causa> Levirunge
06:20 tier 2 <Causa> Levirunge
06:29 tier 2 <DSRTNG> Alex
06:47 tier 2 Gabriel
07:42 cannon destroyed
07:45 gas 2 +303 <DSRTNG> Alex
08:52 gas 2 +269 <DSFun> Ixir
09:25 tier 3 <DSRTNG> Alex
09:31 gas 3 +175 Gabriel
09:49 asdfasdf why vega?
10:29 gas 3 +146 <DSFun> Ixir
10:29 Gabriel against a full cloaked air wave?
10:33 Gabriel chaos mostly
10:38 asdfasdf didn't mean to say in all chat
10:39 asdfasdf and no
10:40 asdfasdf he didn't
10:50 Gabriel oh him
11:03 Gabriel maybe for the reavers, but they are pretty far back
11:06 <DSFun> Ixir im wondering why voids into a dehaka
11:10 asdfasdf void rush
11:11 <DSKOR> Kuma im telling him the same thing
11:13 asdfasdf not voids
11:14 <DSKOR> Kuma and he said he has no other choice
11:20 <DSKOR> Kuma and being a smarty about it
11:20 <DSFun> Ixir voids are terrible vs dehaka
11:22 asdfasdf true
11:57 asdfasdf it can be true that vorazun is terrible against dehaka AND that our guy making vega is stupid af
12:11 <Causa> Levirunge lol gotta love toxic player
12:17 asdfasdf Thats you bub
12:20 <DSKOR> Kuma nothing is as dumb as rushing voids into dehaka who can beat 5+ voids with one or two mutas
12:25 <DSFun> Ixir i mean, ur the biggest reason for the loss
12:32 <DSFun> Ixir also the loudest
12:33 asdfasdf that is notwithstanding
12:34 <DSFun> Ixir and dumbest
12:39 asdfasdf i didn't bring this into all chat
12:41 asdfasdf so i disagree
12:45 asdfasdf and thankfully your opinion means 0
12:52 <DSFun> Ixir u were the first one to open mouth
12:55 asdfasdf Wrong
12:59 <DSKOR> Kuma it was me
13:01 asdfasdf i accidnetally put vega in all chat
13:04 <DSKOR> Kuma telling him going voids is wrong
13:09 <Causa> Levirunge can i swap teams please you should see what team chat looks like
13:09 asdfasdf wrong
13:14 asdfasdf lololol
13:17 asdfasdf this guy is toxic af
13:24 asdfasdf enjoy your vega
13:24 <DSKOR> Kuma i wasnt toxic about it
13:25 asdfasdf muted
13:26 <DSFun> Ixir i cant see ur allie chat, im basing it off what i saw in all chat
13:29 <DSKOR> Kuma but you decided to be a smartass
13:36 asdfasdf muted
13:48 tier 3 <DSFun> Ixir
13:51 Gabriel air in general does counter dehaka, you just need to lead with corsair and oracle spam then move to vrs
14:02 <Causa> Levirunge ya team chat is even worst guy thinks he knows it all lol
14:05 asdfasdf i was doing a cheesy void rush
14:08 asdfasdf yall take this way too seriously
14:21 gas 3 +29 <DSRTNG> Alex
14:26 <DSKOR> Kuma nobodys taking it seriously but thats one way to dismiss that youve been proven incorrect lol
15:11 <DSFun> Ixir and roar stomps oracles rush
15:20 asdfasdf nobody is rushing oracles.
15:27 asdfasdf i have won like 9/10 with a void rush;.
15:30 asdfasdf thats all i was doing
15:31 <DSFun> Ixir oh im just talking
15:38 <DSFun> Ixir im bored
15:48 asdfasdf Same and this cheesy yellow dickwad needs his coffee
16:23 tier 3 <Causa> Levirunge
22:05 tier 2 <DSKOR> Kuma
22:43 <DSFun> Ixir there i gave him a reason for his vega
22:48 <DSFun> Ixir we all good now?
22:49 asdfasdf ty (hearts)
22:54 asdfasdf we are good
22:58 asdfasdf he and i are still fueding
23:00 asdfasdf feuding
23:14 <Causa> Levirunge vega is great for AA
23:16 asdfasdf although he's muted
23:21 asdfasdf so... the feud will continue
24:17 <DSFun> Ixir too much tequila yesterday, damn marg day got me
24:41 asdfasdf i never go out anymore. makes me too useless
24:48 <DSFun> Ixir who said i went out
24:53 asdfasdf i never drink anymore
25:10 tier 3 <DSKOR> Kuma
25:15 tier 4 <DSRTNG> Alex
25:19 asdfasdf gg
25:20 <DSFun> Ixir gg
25:21 game ended
25:21 asdfasdf fk yellow
25:22 <DSRTNG> Alex gg | See your stats >