Game #2859233 — 2025-03-02

protoss 197
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -230 | killed: 32k
... ...
protoss 1
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 735 | killed: 86k
... ...
protoss 17
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 310 | killed: 63k
... ...
... ...
apm: 4 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 972 | killed: 75k
protoss 666
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 912 | killed: 53k
zerg 267
... ...
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1223 | killed: 85k
terran 60


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:30 gas 1 +460 CoralViper
00:47 tier 2 CoralViper
00:52 tier 2 <Macac0> STulum
01:02 tier 2 Xtian
01:20 first unit on mid
01:21 tier 2 daof
01:40 tier 2 TheLordPool
02:23 tier 2 SnoopyKiller
04:50 gas 2 +255 CoralViper
05:33 bunker destroyed
05:35 gas 1 +307 daof
05:35 gas 1 +307 <Macac0> STulum
05:39 gas 1 +305 Xtian
06:06 gas 1 +90 TheLordPool
06:58 tier 3 CoralViper
07:07 gas 2 +186 <Macac0> STulum
07:36 gas 2 -30 TheLordPool
07:36 gas 2 +172 Xtian
07:41 gas 2 +169 daof
07:51 tier 3 daof
08:03 gas 1 +233 SnoopyKiller
08:35 tier 3 Xtian
10:10 gas 3 +20 CoralViper
10:45 gas 2 +77 SnoopyKiller
13:16 gas 3 -73 Xtian
13:46 gas 3 -290 TheLordPool
14:07 leaver TheLordPool
14:10 daof gg
14:12 tier 3 SnoopyKiller
14:12 gas 3 -101 daof
14:25 gas 3 -108 <Macac0> STulum
15:44 gas 4 -222 daof
16:11 tier 3 <Macac0> STulum
17:23 daof ggez
17:38 daof shud have massed stalkers and stacked
17:49 daof instead gave us this childs play
18:03 gas 4 -292 <Macac0> STulum
19:40 daof thats some weak stuff
20:38 daof ggez
20:50 game ended
20:51 daof nightnight sleept tight
20:54 daof ez