Game #2863458 — 2025-03-06

terran 50
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 770 | killed: 20k
... ...
protoss 204
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 861 | killed: 24k
... ...
terran 1386
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 797 | killed: 47k
... ...
... ...
apm: 40 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -61 | killed: 18k
protoss 1
... ...
apm: 18 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -256 | killed: 24k
zerg 332
... ...
apm: 12 | gas: 0 | tier: 3
minerals: 0 | killed: 27k
protoss 1


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:05 <NexG> NME glhf
00:09 gas 1 +261 ReturnOfJay
00:27 ReturnOfJay i told turda to tell purple my build.... but... he cant...
00:31 ReturnOfJay sucks
00:49 gas 1 +241 BringMyHeart
01:00 first unit on mid
01:23 tier 2 JustinTrudea
02:21 gas 2 +120 BringMyHeart
02:30 tier 2 corbinknight
03:07 tier 2 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo
03:13 ReturnOfJay turda losing like always
03:21 gas 1 +165 <NexG> NME
03:43 cannon destroyed
03:57 gas 2 +72 ReturnOfJay
04:22 gas 1 +135 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo
04:28 tier 2 BringMyHeart
04:56 gas 2 +42 <NexG> NME
05:07 ReturnOfJay fuck this is boring shit talking turda isnt even the fun it usually is
05:09 tier 2 ReturnOfJay
05:27 gas 3 -48 ReturnOfJay
05:37 ReturnOfJay common turda do something
05:50 tier 2 <NexG> NME
05:58 ReturnOfJay i still have 4 mintues before i can 4th gas
06:05 ReturnOfJay think theyll last that long?
06:10 ReturnOfJay i dont
06:17 gas 1 +77 JustinTrudea
06:56 ReturnOfJay theres the people who should of been smothered at birth, turdas mother somehow couldnt even get that right
06:58 gas 2 -18 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo
07:22 ReturnOfJay shes that much a failure she couldnt figure out how to simply place a pillow over his mouth and apply pressure
08:20 tier 3 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo
08:26 gas 3 -137 BringMyHeart
08:59 gas 3 -154 <NexG> NME
09:38 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo crazy he keeps opening queens every game lol
09:39 gas 2 -99 JustinTrudea
09:43 ReturnOfJay hes retarded
09:47 <ØsR> KorewaKosmo after years of lossing with same strat
09:49 ReturnOfJay you expect him to have a brain
09:53 ReturnOfJay thats whats crazy
10:00 gas 4 -259 ReturnOfJay
10:34 tier 3 ReturnOfJay
10:51 gas 4 -285 BringMyHeart
11:37 tier 3 BringMyHeart
11:39 gas 3 -234 JustinTrudea
12:33 ReturnOfJay EZPZ
13:24 ReturnOfJay ROFL
13:45 tier 3 corbinknight
13:52 game ended
13:54 ReturnOfJay EZPZ
13:55 <NexG> NME gg