Game #2866984 — 2025-03-09

nova 1014
apm: 23 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 1248 | killed: 132k
... ...
nova 698
apm: 69 | gas: 2 | tier: 4
minerals: 1240 | killed: 203k
... ...
... ...
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1361 | killed: 146k
nova 1531
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1568 | killed: 169k
artanis 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +635 Stefan
00:06 gas 1 +633 <DSAnbu> TheCarry
00:12 <DSGoku> Sunay i missed u taco
00:22 gas 1 +625 <T1TANS> Toraida
00:23 gas 1 +624 <DSGoku> Sunay
00:38 first unit on mid
00:38 <DSGoku> Sunay i just know
01:00 tier 2 Stefan
01:00 tier 2 <DSAnbu> TheCarry
01:03 <DSGoku> Sunay looks like we have a noob on our hands
01:11 <T1TANS> Toraida sorry that i suck
01:26 tier 2 <T1TANS> Toraida
01:31 gas 2 +515 Stefan
01:31 tier 2 <DSGoku> Sunay
01:38 <DSGoku> Sunay no bro i was talking about my temate u op
01:45 <T1TANS> Toraida nono, i suck
01:46 tier 3 <DSAnbu> TheCarry
01:47 <DSGoku> Sunay (rainbow)(rainbow)(rainbow)
02:00 <DSGoku> Sunay no bro u op
02:11 <DSGoku> Sunay trust me life is up and down relax
02:16 <T1TANS> Toraida (happy)
02:21 <T1TANS> Toraida you're too nice
02:31 <DSGoku> Sunay lmao
03:00 <DSGoku> Sunay im drunk tooo
03:03 gas 3 +394 Stefan
03:05 tier 3 <T1TANS> Toraida
03:11 <DSGoku> Sunay never trust women
03:20 Stefan no need
03:23 Stefan to
03:43 <T1TANS> Toraida I'll keep that in mind
03:54 <T1TANS> Toraida but dont you have a girlfriend
04:09 <DSGoku> Sunay i do but im stupid i always have a chick
04:21 <DSGoku> Sunay i need a wife
04:32 <T1TANS> Toraida o
04:34 <DSGoku> Sunay my rents are getting old bro, i
04:51 tier 3 Stefan
05:31 cannon destroyed
05:32 gas 2 +394 <T1TANS> Toraida
05:33 gas 2 +394 <DSAnbu> TheCarry
06:40 tier 3 <DSGoku> Sunay
07:54 gas 2 +324 <DSGoku> Sunay
08:23 bunker destroyed
09:07 <T1TANS> Toraida tbh
09:11 <T1TANS> Toraida wish I had your teammate instead
09:24 gas 3 +204 <DSGoku> Sunay
09:27 Stefan (inlove)
09:32 <T1TANS> Toraida (happy)
09:35 <DSGoku> Sunay wp
10:54 gas 4 +84 <DSGoku> Sunay
12:54 Stefan can i have your teammate? (rofl)
13:06 <T1TANS> Toraida xD
13:36 <T1TANS> Toraida yellow is good, im just getting lucky
13:50 <DSGoku> Sunay im good nahh bro
13:54 Stefan i'm still doubting it that he's good
13:57 <DSGoku> Sunay i barely play this game
14:06 <T1TANS> Toraida true. you have a life, unlike me
14:23 Stefan my second game more or less (rofl)
14:27 <T1TANS> Toraida oh wow
14:39 <DSGoku> Sunay in life people make choices that make them happy or sad
14:48 <DSGoku> Sunay ds makes me happy
14:50 Stefan true
15:04 <DSGoku> Sunay along with the banter
15:08 <DSGoku> Sunay i love it
15:16 <T1TANS> Toraida (happy)
17:04 gas 4 -101 Stefan
23:01 <DSGoku> Sunay (carbotinfestedterranlaugh)
25:13 tier 4 <DSAnbu> TheCarry
25:18 tier 4 Stefan
25:23 tier 4 <DSGoku> Sunay
25:32 tier 4 <T1TANS> Toraida
26:12 game ended
26:13 <T1TANS> Toraida gg
26:14 <DSAnbu> TheCarry gg
26:15 <T1TANS> Toraida wp
26:16 Stefan gg
26:16 <DSGoku> Sunay ggn