Game #2884621 — 2025-03-19

terran 1745
apm: 47 | gas: 3 | tier: 5
minerals: 2408 | killed: 159k
... ...
terran 3465
apm: 40 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2329 | killed: 114k
... ...
protoss 763
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2214 | killed: 221k
... ...
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1556 | killed: 142k
terran 166
... ...
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 5
minerals: 687 | killed: 175k
protoss 1
... ...
apm: 9 | gas: 1 | tier: 5
minerals: 931 | killed: 171k
protoss 7


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +806 Stefan
00:38 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 <DIRSTK> Nova
01:16 tier 2 <TirolA> Apache
03:07 tier 2 Stefan
03:13 gas 1 +710 <apge> opossum
03:16 <TirolA> BigMac welcome to pro land pleb (rofl)
03:31 Stefan pro won't say such thing
03:39 <TirolA> BigMac true
03:48 ImThe haha in your dream )
04:11 <TirolA> Apache dont talk yellow and pink u are to bad to talk
04:11 <TirolA> BigMac im a different pro (happy)
04:25 <TirolA> Apache u are making zealots against banshe
04:31 <TirolA> Apache dont ever take pro in your mouth
04:51 tier 2 <apge> opossum
04:55 ImThe one mistake and you loose to noobs )
05:03 <DIRSTK> Nova impossible
05:07 tier 2 <TirolA> BigMac
05:08 <TirolA> Apache u lost yourself
05:12 <apge> opossum hmm
05:14 <TirolA> Apache you just made zealots more
05:29 tier 3 <DIRSTK> Nova
06:13 gas 2 +546 <apge> opossum
06:33 ImThe mistake ))
06:39 bunker destroyed
06:40 gas 1 +607 ImThe
07:17 <TirolA> Apache mistake (rofl)
07:23 gas 1 +585 <TirolA> Apache
07:24 tier 3 Stefan
07:24 gas 1 +585 <TirolA> BigMac
08:20 tier 2 ImThe
09:13 tier 3 <apge> opossum
10:01 gas 2 +431 <TirolA> BigMac
10:28 gas 2 +418 <TirolA> Apache
11:22 gas 1 +466 <DIRSTK> Nova
12:50 tier 3 ImThe
13:46 <TirolA> BigMac CAN I HAVE MORE EZ WIN PLZ
13:57 gas 2 +313 <DIRSTK> Nova
14:01 ImThe you can not
14:02 gas 3 +236 <apge> opossum
14:07 <TirolA> Apache EZ WIN
14:47 tier 3 <TirolA> Apache
15:27 gas 3 +193 <DIRSTK> Nova
15:57 cannon destroyed
15:58 gas 3 +178 <TirolA> BigMac
17:03 gas 3 +145 <TirolA> Apache
17:03 <TirolA> BigMac i need advice stefan
17:08 <TirolA> BigMac when should i buy stim ?
17:18 Stefan ?
17:25 <TirolA> BigMac i still didnt find the answer
17:28 Stefan self esteem?
17:37 <TirolA> BigMac stim from marines
17:39 <TirolA> Apache you increase mine
17:43 <TirolA> BigMac i didnt buy it yet
17:47 <TirolA> Apache (rofl)
18:27 gas 4 +28 <DIRSTK> Nova
18:34 tier 3 <TirolA> BigMac
20:30 gas 4 -33 <TirolA> Apache
21:26 gas 4 -61 <apge> opossum
24:09 <apge> opossum y
25:13 tier 4 <apge> opossum
25:13 tier 4 <TirolA> BigMac
25:24 tier 4 <TirolA> Apache
25:24 tier 4 <DIRSTK> Nova
25:29 tier 4 ImThe
25:30 tier 4 Stefan
25:54 gas 2 -45 ImThe
30:03 tier 5 <TirolA> Apache
30:03 tier 5 ImThe
30:08 tier 5 <TirolA> BigMac
30:19 tier 5 <apge> opossum
30:32 tier 5 <DIRSTK> Nova
30:34 tier 5 Stefan
31:55 game ended
31:57 <DIRSTK> Nova gg
31:58 <TirolA> Apache mistake (rofl)