Game #2884683 — 2025-03-20

zerg 269
apm: 33 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 172 | killed: 31k
... ...
protoss 766
apm: 11 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -101 | killed: 34k
... ...
terran 26
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 342 | killed: 29k
... ...
... ...
apm: 15 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 28 | killed: 28k
terran 2941
... ...
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 155 | killed: 25k
zerg 119
... ...
apm: 27 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 87 | killed: 10k
terran 139


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +265 RosuM
00:07 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ ?
00:09 gas 1 +87 <BC> BlackPhantom
00:19 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ i cjeel [lay
00:37 first unit on mid
00:45 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ 1 gaz
00:49 <TirolA> Apache ?
00:49 tier 2 <TirolA> Apache
00:50 tier 2 <DIRSTK> Nova
01:04 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ dt cretin (rofl)
01:09 <TirolA> Apache learn english please
01:10 tier 2 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ
01:29 tier 3 <DIRSTK> Nova
01:33 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ its ur papa english lol
01:40 <TirolA> Apache father not papa
01:42 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ its roman
01:46 <TirolA> Apache but its ok i blame your mother
01:50 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ lern
01:52 <TirolA> Apache you shouldnt exist
01:57 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ more
02:02 <TirolA> Apache learn*
02:06 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ so4ka
02:08 <TirolA> Apache you hurt my eyes
02:11 <TirolA> Apache pls kill yourself
02:25 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ no u cloakk ЖВ
02:31 tier 2 RosuM
03:06 gas 1 +173 <TirolA> Apache
03:23 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ +2
03:30 <TirolA> Apache good
03:33 <TirolA> Apache now u lose
03:51 <TirolA> Apache ah no u are 1
04:01 <TirolA> Apache and still lose
04:04 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ u idioto soon ЖВ
04:10 <TirolA> Apache u idiot already
04:30 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ no . u ЖВ
04:35 tier 2 popicu
04:43 <TirolA> Apache dont speak chinese
05:16 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ рфрфр
05:28 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ noe bette
05:39 tier 2 <BC> BlackPhantom
06:08 gas 1 +82 <DIRSTK> Nova
06:33 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ me vs1.5 i see / chika
06:39 <TirolA> Apache u are 0.1
07:21 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ no (rofl)
07:29 <TirolA> Apache lower?
07:31 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ i vs 1.8
07:32 gas 2 -35 <TirolA> Apache
07:38 <TirolA> Apache i got 2 gas
07:41 tier 3 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ
07:47 tier 3 <BC> BlackPhantom
07:55 gas 1 +28 popicu
07:56 gas 1 +28 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ
07:58 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ ok 1
08:01 cannon destroyed
08:03 leaver <BC> BlackPhantom
08:11 tier 3 popicu
08:43 gas 2 -70 <DIRSTK> Nova
09:03 gas 3 -156 <TirolA> Apache
09:21 tier 3 <TirolA> Apache
09:32 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ (rofl) hh
09:38 <TirolA> Apache hh (rofl)
10:01 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ me +20 mnrls
10:02 gas 2 -110 RosuM
10:07 <TirolA> Apache hahahahaahahahha
10:09 <TirolA> Apache yes for 1 second
10:14 <TirolA> Apache and leak fulll wave
10:18 <TirolA> Apache good job (rofl)
10:23 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ bit lol
10:33 gas 4 -276 <TirolA> Apache
10:34 <TirolA> Apache me +20 mineral 10minutes (rofl)
10:59 <TirolA> Apache 60x10= 600 mineral (rofl)
11:01 <TirolA> Apache thanks (rofl)
11:06 <TirolA> Apache +gas (rofl)
11:23 <TirolA> Apache enjoy your 20 (rofl)
11:25 gas 2 -152 popicu
11:28 <TirolA> Apache tell eme what u buy with it (rofl)
11:29 gas 3 -229 <DIRSTK> Nova
11:47 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ nazy boys ol ahahah (rofl)D
12:05 <TirolA> Apache u are to lazy in insults
12:08 <DSPROS> всемСаламПЛМ yes?(rofl)D
12:10 <TirolA> Apache i will straight mute you
12:14 <TirolA> Apache it hurt my eyes
13:01 gas 4 -350 <DIRSTK> Nova
13:53 game ended