Game #387365 — 2022-06-10

zerg 2
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 200 | killed: 51k
2043 -5
terran 2
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 355 | killed: 50k
1494 -5
protoss 34
apm: 15 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 3k
2058 -5
1883 +5
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 493 | killed: 37k
terran 3
5809 +5
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 768 | killed: 38k
terran 3208
7346 +5
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 771 | killed: 28k
terran 88




average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +308 Senky
00:05 gas 1 +307 <DSGoku> GunRunner
00:07 gas 1 +306 <DSGoku> Sunay
00:13 <DSGoku> GunRunner gl hf
00:17 <TUG> Wolfie GL HF GG DD
00:37 first unit on mid
00:46 IcYFresH GL HF BBW
00:49 tier 2 Tim
01:04 gas 1 +278 Tim
01:07 tier 2 Senky
02:19 bunker destroyed
03:11 gas 1 +214 IcYFresH
03:19 gas 2 +135 Tim
03:21 gas 2 +134 <DSGoku> Sunay
04:22 <DSGoku> GunRunner Billy! What the fuck are you doing still up?!!!!!!
04:22 <DSGoku> GunRunner But MOM!!!
04:22 <DSGoku> GunRunner Get your fucking ass to bed, you little shit!
04:22 <DSGoku> GunRunner noes!
04:22 Senky
04:22 Senky
04:22 Senky
04:22 Senky kkk
04:22 Senky kkkk
04:22 leaver <TUG> Wolfie
04:24 cannon destroyed
04:27 tier 2 <DSGoku> GunRunner
04:28 gas 2 +101 Senky
04:59 tier 2 <DSGoku> Sunay
05:03 tier 3 Tim
05:57 tier 2 IcYFresH
07:10 tier 3 <DSGoku> Sunay
07:32 gas 3 -66 Tim
07:56 gas 3 -79 <DSGoku> Sunay
08:15 gas 2 -13 <DSGoku> GunRunner
09:34 gas 2 -52 IcYFresH
09:45 tier 3 Senky
10:11 gas 4 -221 <DSGoku> Sunay
10:22 gas 3 -151 <DSGoku> GunRunner
11:16 gas 3 -179 Senky
11:54 gas 4 -272 Tim
14:32 <DSGoku> GunRunner gg
15:12 gas 3 -297 IcYFresH
15:19 <DSGoku> GunRunner gg
15:20 IcYFresH gg
15:20 game ended