Game #425381 — 2022-08-27

swann 17
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 43 | killed: 11k
3362 +55
nova 21
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 52 | killed: 10k
3028 +55
abathur 1
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 29 | killed: 4k
1999 +55
1831 -55
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -222 | killed: 5k
raynor 30
3603 -55
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: -208 | killed: 6k
nova 249
1764 -55
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -211 | killed: 3k
hanhorner 3


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +55 <SiiR> Cwiartka
00:04 gas 1 +55 Seris
00:05 gas 1 +55 Heureux
00:10 gas 1 +52 Gurtab
00:10 gas 1 +52 CAO
00:24 gas 1 +45 <N4STY> NastyGirl
00:25 CAO lame wb
00:28 CAO again
00:30 <SiiR> Cwiartka indeed
00:38 first unit on mid
00:50 tier 2 <SiiR> Cwiartka
00:57 tier 2 Gurtab
01:00 <SiiR> Cwiartka They need to make a game mode for 4 aura
01:12 tier 2 Seris
01:13 <N4STY> NastyGirl agreed
01:33 gas 2 -65 <SiiR> Cwiartka
01:34 gas 2 -65 Seris
01:38 Heureux auras suck creates an artificial imbalance
01:50 gas 2 -73 CAO
01:50 gas 2 -73 Heureux
01:57 <N4STY> NastyGirl true but kiiinda fun when you get that 4 combo
01:58 gas 2 -77 Gurtab
01:59 <SiiR> Cwiartka I would play that probably 4 aura 100 times a day for the sheer stupidity of it
02:12 gas 2 -84 <N4STY> NastyGirl
02:23 <SiiR> Cwiartka I would play that 4 aura probably 100 times a day*
02:57 tier 2 CAO
03:30 gas 3 -198 <SiiR> Cwiartka
03:33 tier 2 <N4STY> NastyGirl
03:35 gas 3 -201 CAO
03:35 gas 3 -201 Seris
03:47 gas 3 -206 Heureux
03:50 gas 3 -208 Gurtab
03:50 gas 3 -208 <N4STY> NastyGirl
04:33 tier 2 Heureux
05:17 tier 3 <N4STY> NastyGirl
05:33 tier 3 Seris
05:38 cannon destroyed
06:53 Seris gg
06:54 <SiiR> Cwiartka ...
06:55 game ended
06:55 <N4STY> NastyGirl gg