Game #469078 — 2022-05-25

fenix 59
apm: 15 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1310 | killed: 110k
6403 +7
dehaka 121
apm: 26 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1621 | killed: 87k
5227 +7
1151 -7
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 616 | killed: 98k
alarak 2
1926 -7
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 98 | killed: 97k
raynor 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:06 gas 1 +455 LeGrandJojo
00:10 gas 1 +453 <ClanHs> threth
00:39 first unit on mid
00:44 gas 1 +436 <Youth> TraCer
01:02 tier 2 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
01:28 tier 2 <Youth> TraCer
01:34 gas 1 +411 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
01:36 tier 2 LeGrandJojo
02:25 gas 2 +310 LeGrandJojo
03:25 cannon destroyed
03:53 tier 3 LeGrandJojo
04:21 tier 2 <ClanHs> threth
06:16 tier 3 <ClanHs> threth
06:57 gas 2 +174 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
07:49 gas 2 +149 <ClanHs> threth
13:09 <ClanHs> threth you have free scans raynor
13:29 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker 2x they reset every wave (thumbsup)
13:30 LeGrandJojo :/ im the only one scanning each time
13:37 <ClanHs> threth thats sad
13:57 gas 3 -111 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
14:16 gas 3 -120 <ClanHs> threth
15:15 gas 3 -149 LeGrandJojo
16:13 gas 2 -103 <Youth> TraCer
17:51 gas 4 -303 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
17:56 tier 3 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
18:06 gas 3 -235 <Youth> TraCer
18:52 LeGrandJojo how little does the psionic orb is abberant
19:14 tier 3 <Youth> TraCer
19:17 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker need to lvl them ALOT to kill fenix
19:21 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker fenix has beefy units lmao
20:06 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker :(
20:06 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker braw
20:06 <ClanHs> threth did hereally just alt f4
20:06 <ClanHs> threth ok
20:06 <Youth> TraCer i wanted to biuld hyperion while he defends so that plan doesn't work now
20:06 <Youth> TraCer idk
20:06 <Youth> TraCer sad for me
20:15 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker gg
20:15 <ClanHs> threth gg
20:16 <Youth> TraCer gg
20:17 game ended
20:20 LeGrandJojo rip