Game #512306 — 2022-11-01

mengsk 1324
apm: 22 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 149 | killed: 39k
8294 -95
vorazun 3
apm: 5 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -162 | killed: 16k
2142 -95
stetmann 2210
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 350 | killed: 41k
5912 -95
3481 +95
apm: 20 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 500 | killed: 47k
dehaka 23
1832 +95
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 232 | killed: 36k
swann 1
2264 +95
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 813 | killed: 41k
karax 45


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +335 Berserker
00:03 gas 1 +334 <DSRTNG> Lucik
00:05 gas 1 +333 GerancE
00:11 <DSRTNG> Dima upload replays to, get profile page stats rating mmr (glhf)
00:16 gas 1 +328 SSS
00:41 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 <DSRTNG> Lucik
01:25 tier 2 Berserker
01:27 SSS dima - seems very laggy (sad)
01:34 gas 2 +214 <DSRTNG> Lucik
01:35 SSS is better
01:36 tier 2 SSS
01:42 <DSRTNG> Dima yes, I'm updating dsr_uploader now
01:43 gas 2 +209 GerancE
01:47 <DSRTNG> Dima or do you mean generally?
02:15 <DSRTNG> Dima that's in order to improve as well. caching system was for when it had x20 less data
02:18 <DSRTNG> Dima 2 years ago
02:26 tier 2 GerancE
02:28 tier 3 Berserker
02:35 tier 3 <DSRTNG> Lucik
02:57 gas 1 +247 <DSRTNG> Dima
03:09 SSS the subpages take ~32 second to load
03:20 tier 3 SSS
03:22 SSS time to first byte is also terrible
03:30 SSS also - trackers (sad)
03:32 <DSRTNG> Dima if you speak about currently - it's because working on it right now
03:42 tier 2 <DSRTNG> Dima
03:45 <DSRTNG> Dima globally - yes, I'll fix it
03:58 <DSRTNG> Dima as for trackers, I'll think about it. I don't like GA and YM too
04:23 gas 1 +204 <DSRTNG> Preacher
04:25 SSS all of them are bad (happy) but same are viewed as more villanous globally than others
04:40 SSS especially with the whole russia deal - you know
04:54 gas 3 +39 GerancE
04:55 gas 2 +113 <DSRTNG> Dima
05:07 tier 2 <DSRTNG> Preacher
05:22 gas 3 +25 <DSRTNG> Lucik
06:44 gas 2 +59 SSS
06:49 gas 2 +56 <DSRTNG> Preacher
09:58 gas 3 -113 <DSRTNG> Preacher
10:10 gas 3 -119 SSS
10:46 gas 2 -62 Berserker
11:08 gas 4 -223 <DSRTNG> Lucik
12:52 tier 3 <DSRTNG> Preacher
13:14 gas 3 -211 <DSRTNG> Dima
14:00 gas 4 -309 <DSRTNG> Preacher
15:10 bunker destroyed
15:17 gas 3 -273 Berserker
15:25 GerancE nice
15:43 <DSRTNG> Dima clan dsrtng
15:45 <DSRTNG> Dima join
16:03 GerancE i dont join noob
16:10 <DSRTNG> Dima upload replays to, get profile page stats rating mmr (gg)
16:11 Berserker gg
16:13 game ended
16:13 SSS ggwp
16:15 <DSRTNG> Lucik (gg)