Game #608267 — 2022-10-03

terran 77
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 909 | killed: 82k
1713 +49
zerg 13
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 922 | killed: 59k
2310 +49
zerg 34
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 1129 | killed: 38k
1372 +49
1222 -49
apm: 20 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 59k
terran 19
2119 -49
apm: 6 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 34k
protoss 51
1884 -49
apm: 8 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -65 | killed: 42k
protoss 51


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +419 Peacemaker
00:04 gas 1 +418 <GaTech> DeathRadish
00:07 Zach im going banes
00:17 gas 1 +412 NotAVirus
00:39 first unit on mid
00:48 tier 2 NotAVirus
01:00 tier 2 Peacemaker
01:22 tier 2 Zach
01:28 Peacemaker gg
01:32 Zach gg
01:42 <EXPANT> Gino gg
02:02 Zach why are we saying gg?
02:13 tier 2 <GaTech> DeathRadish
02:25 NotAVirus why do we work our whole lives for money printed from thin air?
02:34 <WNTRCH> poofish wait fax
02:43 <WNTRCH> poofish based
02:51 Zach thats a real good question
03:05 <EXPANT> Gino the entire congress should be in Guantanamo Bay
03:09 tier 2 <WNTRCH> poofish
03:10 tier 2 <EXPANT> Gino
03:18 <EXPANT> Gino end the Federal Reserve
03:25 Zach chunk schumer, nancy, schiff
03:31 Zach booker
03:42 <EXPANT> Gino every single one
03:51 <EXPANT> Gino all party to treason
03:53 Zach not boebert, she bae
03:58 <EXPANT> Gino and mass murder
04:23 tier 3 <GaTech> DeathRadish
05:08 Zach mcconnel needs the chains
05:19 Zach hes literally married to a chicom
05:24 <EXPANT> Gino enhanced interrogation
05:26 cannon destroyed
05:27 <WNTRCH> poofish whats a chicom
05:27 gas 2 +181 <GaTech> DeathRadish
05:31 gas 2 +179 Peacemaker
05:35 <EXPANT> Gino until they give up all coconspirators
05:37 Zach chinese commie
05:41 <WNTRCH> poofish ooh
06:10 Zach look the dude up
06:21 Zach his wifes famalam owns a chinese shipping company
06:21 NotAVirus the biggest problem is wealthy people and politicians are not afraid of reguler people anymore
06:29 Zach and just HAPPENS to gift them millions
06:57 Zach thats a fact
07:40 gas 3 +40 Peacemaker
07:43 Zach 99% of republicans are low key commies too
07:57 gas 2 +106 NotAVirus
09:24 tier 3 NotAVirus
09:51 gas 3 -25 <GaTech> DeathRadish
10:13 gas 4 -112 Peacemaker
14:59 gas 4 -255 <GaTech> DeathRadish
16:03 gas 3 -212 NotAVirus
16:09 gas 1 -65 Zach
18:56 <EXPANT> Gino gg
18:57 Zach gg
18:57 <GaTech> DeathRadish gg
18:57 Peacemaker gg
18:57 <WNTRCH> poofish ggwp
19:01 game ended
19:01 NotAVirus gg