Game #64778 — 2022-07-19

stetmann 1
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 326 | killed: 17k
1401 -12
karax 2
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 305 | killed: 32k
1638 -12
nova 56
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: -56 | killed: 17k
2240 -12
5099 +12
apm: 156 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 488 | killed: 30k
karax 59
5694 +12
apm: 60 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 238 | killed: 23k
zagara 243
977 +1
apm: 5 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 515 | killed: 11k
fenix 10


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:01 gas 1 +236 <DikBoy> JoeBiden
00:03 gas 1 +235 ZombieD
00:06 gas 1 +233 tjbrockstar
00:08 gas 1 +232 DreamTheater
00:11 gas 1 +231 <DSFTWA> Kragh
00:27 gas 1 +223 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS
00:36 first unit on mid
00:58 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS dream theater was great until portnoy left.
01:00 tier 2 ZombieD
01:19 tier 2 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS
01:25 tier 2 tjbrockstar
01:36 DreamTheater mangini is nothing lesser than portnoy
01:38 gas 2 +112 DreamTheater
01:39 tier 2 DreamTheater
01:40 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Kragh
01:57 gas 2 +102 tjbrockstar
02:05 tier 2 <DikBoy> JoeBiden
02:05 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS he's a more techinical drummer for sure. but the quality of song writing went downhill when he left
02:11 gas 2 +96 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS
02:12 gas 2 +95 ZombieD
02:20 tier 3 ZombieD
03:12 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Kragh
03:28 gas 3 -18 DreamTheater
03:30 tier 3 DreamTheater
03:45 gas 2 +49 <DikBoy> JoeBiden
03:52 gas 3 -30 tjbrockstar
03:55 tier 3 tjbrockstar
04:59 gas 3 -63 ZombieD
06:02 gas 3 -95 <DikBoy> JoeBiden
06:16 gas 3 -102 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS
06:19 tier 3 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS
06:44 gas 2 -41 <DSFTWA> Kragh
08:23 bunker destroyed
11:09 gas 4 -323 ZombieD
11:12 gas 3 -250 <DSFTWA> Kragh
12:20 <SSZZ> ALQUINAS gg
12:51 <DSFTWA> Kragh gg
12:53 game ended