Game #660431 — 2022-11-03

abathur 52
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 768 | killed: 88k
4854 -74
karax 4
apm: 18 | gas: 0 | tier: 1
minerals: 0 | killed: 0
1705 -74
stetmann 5
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 833 | killed: 139k
2138 -74
3150 +74
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1764 | killed: 63k
vorazun 24
974 +7
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1979 | killed: 63k
mengsk 17
2003 +74
apm: 9 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 2275 | killed: 77k
vorazun 8


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +510 Dante
00:04 gas 1 +510 <UWG> Shogun
00:07 gas 1 +508 Elementalist
00:12 gas 1 +506 Siesto
00:27 gas 1 +498 <titan1> blankito
00:27 Elementalist would you smash nova?
00:50 Dante wierd question
00:58 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 Dante
01:04 tier 2 Siesto
01:05 leaver GANSIJIUYAO
01:13 Elementalist ye
01:32 Elementalist but would you?
01:45 gas 2 +384 Elementalist
02:06 Dante yea why not
02:13 tier 3 Dante
02:20 tier 2 <UWG> Shogun
02:48 Elementalist you weirdo
02:52 Dante Why
03:32 Dante whats not to like in her
03:36 gas 3 +254 Elementalist
03:41 gas 2 +326 Siesto
03:48 gas 2 +323 Dante
04:13 Elementalist she has a nice personality
04:25 bunker destroyed
05:03 Dante shes a tomboy i see no problem
05:03 gas 2 +285 <titan1> blankito
05:05 Elementalist eyo put up some fight
05:17 Elementalist AAAAAH
05:34 Elementalist tomboy?
05:37 Elementalist no no no
05:37 Dante yea
05:47 Dante yes shes is
05:50 tier 3 Siesto
05:59 tier 2 <titan1> blankito
06:27 Elementalist that is weird
06:28 gas 3 +168 Siesto
06:29 gas 2 +242 <UWG> Shogun
06:32 Dante why
06:49 Elementalist well
07:00 Elementalist maybe not
07:18 Elementalist I think she would be a dominant woman if she is a tomboy
07:25 Elementalist that can be fun too
07:45 Dante tomboy is just a girl who know how to be a girl but acts as one of the boys
07:49 Elementalist as long as she doesnt cut her hair like a boy
08:26 Elementalist Ye I looked it up a few min ago
08:48 Dante you dident knew the term tomboy ?
09:01 Elementalist ye i did but not for certain
09:28 Elementalist i mean not for sure
09:32 tier 2 Elementalist
09:50 gas 3 +67 <titan1> blankito
10:08 Elementalist I saw it a few times on pornhub as a title
10:25 Elementalist weird looking people those are
10:33 Dante pornhubs version of a tomboy and a real tomboy is like night and day xD
10:47 Elementalist XD
11:16 tier 3 Elementalist
11:31 gas 3 +16 <UWG> Shogun
11:33 Dante but tomboy simply put is a boyish girl a girl with a pixi cut can also be cute/sexy if they know how to carry it
12:01 Elementalist ah ok
12:36 Dante and dont tell me you dont know a pixi cut
12:53 Elementalist hehe, I actually dont know
13:07 Elementalist I only know cuts in dutch
13:41 Dante pixie kapsel
13:50 Dante rough translated
14:11 Elementalist Wel ye
14:34 Elementalist I never saw a good looking girl with a pixie cut
15:23 Elementalist maybe im a little bit picky about choosing a girl
15:45 Dante have you seen the mocking jay movies ?
16:03 Elementalist the hunger games? yes
16:50 Dante the female journalist with the mute cam guy with a pixi cut with a side cut looks cute
16:57 tier 3 <titan1> blankito
17:47 Dante if you remember her
18:03 tier 3 <UWG> Shogun
18:05 Elementalist I dont how to look her up. whats her name?
18:32 Dante Cressida
19:07 Elementalist but she has long hair
19:22 Dante i said her with a pixi cut looks great
19:49 Elementalist ah ok ok
20:18 Elementalist ye I would smash her with pixie cut
20:48 Elementalist oh i forgot my black hole ability
21:43 gas 4 -365 Siesto
21:50 Siesto gg
21:57 Elementalist gg WP
22:04 Dante been gg from the start 2v3 is not balanced xD
22:04 game ended
22:06 Siesto EZ