Game #719139 — 2022-10-06

zerg 70
apm: 32 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: -58 | killed: 5k
3115 +17
terran 159
apm: 25 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 246 | killed: 9k
5076 +17
zerg 15
apm: 8 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 227 | killed: 11k
1774 +17
2255 -17
apm: 26 | gas: 1 | tier: 2
minerals: -91 | killed: 5k
terran 82
1952 -17
apm: 15 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 5k
protoss 23
1478 -17
apm: 11 | gas: 0 | tier: 2
minerals: 0 | killed: 7k
zerg 28


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:41 <BTSX> snaglepuss glhf
00:47 Joe u2, bb
00:47 tier 2 <ZergW> SnowBunny
00:53 <ZergW> SnowBunny dont wanna
00:55 tier 2 <IMGF> Hootie
01:21 <BTSX> snaglepuss whacha makin???
01:30 Joe waffles
01:30 IBAID Refineries
01:50 tier 2 <BTSX> snaglepuss
01:52 <ZergW> SnowBunny how daer you
01:52 <ZergW> SnowBunny that was mean
01:52 Joe he's making lag
01:57 <BTSX> snaglepuss ?
02:02 <ZergW> SnowBunny why would you do that ibaid
02:07 IBAID ?
02:13 <ZergW> SnowBunny spam zealots right at the end
02:25 IBAID why you spying on my shit?
02:33 <ZergW> SnowBunny so i can kill you
02:40 tier 2 Leitoooooo
02:41 IBAID we have an understanding now
02:53 <ZergW> SnowBunny i dont
02:54 tier 2 IBAID
02:59 cannon destroyed
03:05 gas 1 -21 <ZergW> SnowBunny
03:13 gas 1 -25 <IMGF> Hootie
03:15 tier 2 Joe
03:15 gas 1 -26 Joe
03:23 IBAID although... it would be helpful if i could fight my wave
03:41 <BTSX> snaglepuss lol don't blame others. you made lots vs hellbats
03:54 <ZergW> SnowBunny yea i definitely didnt build those afterwards
03:57 <ZergW> SnowBunny :I
04:16 <ZergW> SnowBunny was that believable
04:19 IBAID i guess the wall of lings i have to kill dont matter
04:25 tier 3 <IMGF> Hootie
04:27 <ZergW> SnowBunny lings have like 10hp
04:35 IBAID zealots have 11
04:42 IBAID and huge wangs
04:44 <ZergW> SnowBunny zealots have so many hp!
05:17 gas 2 -162 <ZergW> SnowBunny
05:27 gas 1 -91 Leitoooooo
05:31 <BTSX> snaglepuss def don't make any AOE
05:36 gas 2 -171 <IMGF> Hootie
05:45 gas 2 -176 Joe
05:48 <ZergW> SnowBunny i love when teammates complain in all chat
06:04 <BTSX> snaglepuss just trying to help him
06:06 <ZergW> SnowBunny what is your response ibaid?
06:30 <ZergW> SnowBunny maybe you two can help each other
06:48 <ZergW> SnowBunny snag you almost killed my army!
06:52 <ZergW> SnowBunny it was close
06:55 Joe light green is the worst
07:06 gas 3 -291 <IMGF> Hootie
07:09 Joe who chooses puke green anyway? like, who does that?
07:22 <ZergW> SnowBunny ggwp
07:23 <BTSX> snaglepuss ? lol you really take this game serious. i thought you were fucking aroudn the whole time but you really are going for hard core
07:25 game ended