Game #770724 — 2022-12-09

zerg 12
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 262 | killed: 54k
1581 -35
zerg 66
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 415 | killed: 65k
1106 -35
zerg 144
apm: 12 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 441 | killed: 59k
832 -3
1102 +35
apm: 8 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 694 | killed: 61k
protoss 64
2761 +35
apm: 11 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 575 | killed: 76k
zerg 135
2585 +35
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 763 | killed: 79k
zerg 16


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 Mazhdulin glhf
00:10 Punisher glhf all
00:13 gas 1 +472 Punisher
00:24 gas 1 +466 Prusson
00:26 <ЛаЛ> Tigger gl
00:34 ishmaEL hf
00:38 first unit on mid
01:21 tier 2 ishmaEL
02:34 gas 1 +401 БАНДИТ
03:45 tier 2 БАНДИТ
03:48 bunker destroyed
03:50 gas 1 +363 <ЛаЛ> Tigger
04:01 gas 1 +357 Mazhdulin
04:20 tier 2 <ЛаЛ> Tigger
04:43 tier 2 Mazhdulin
05:04 tier 2 Punisher
06:08 tier 2 Prusson
07:26 gas 2 +180 БАНДИТ
07:57 gas 2 +165 Prusson
08:13 Punisher we were pushing not anymore thk u (happy)
10:32 Punisher you go full gas ashole
10:38 gas 1 +159 ishmaEL
10:46 Punisher why did you do that?
10:50 gas 2 +78 Punisher
11:04 Mazhdulin ?
11:14 Punisher prusson
11:22 Prusson Punisher you fucking ciunt
11:26 Prusson You fucking went gas within 3 sec
11:31 Prusson I join your fucking troll
11:36 Prusson you dont fuckign scan
11:47 Prusson you cry like a bitch aobut we go 2 gas
11:51 Prusson 5 sec later you go 2 gas
12:15 gas 2 +36 Mazhdulin
12:16 Punisher yes becasue we cant push back anymore exept if they go to base and die
12:21 gas 3 -42 Punisher
12:24 gas 3 -44 Prusson
12:27 Prusson Now you go 3 gas
12:33 Prusson I do more troll
12:37 Prusson Ty for game. Bye cunts
12:47 Punisher cya
12:52 gas 2 +17 ishmaEL
13:24 gas 2 +1 <ЛаЛ> Tigger
13:43 tier 3 Mazhdulin
14:09 gas 4 -172 Prusson
14:12 gas 3 -98 Mazhdulin
14:17 tier 3 ishmaEL
14:55 Punisher and now you go full gas and spoil our tactic
14:57 Punisher this men
15:03 tier 3 <ЛаЛ> Tigger
15:23 Punisher wasting his life by watching a screen
15:37 gas 3 -140 БАНДИТ
16:38 gas 4 -246 Punisher
18:52 tier 3 Prusson
19:10 Punisher trol power ! (happy)
20:25 Mazhdulin this is a weird game
20:34 Punisher yes it is
20:49 Punisher this is my first game tho
20:57 game ended
21:00 Mazhdulin gg