Game #786578 — 2022-12-15

tychus 941
apm: 32 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3524 | killed: 104k
7463 +14
fenix 278
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3252 | killed: 121k
7123 +14
raynor 51
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 3434 | killed: 192k
3060 +14
1466 -14
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 5
minerals: 722 | killed: 140k
fenix 21
4282 -14
apm: 43 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 2185 | killed: 165k
alarak 95
1994 -14
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1103 | killed: 156k
stetmann 7


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +768 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
00:02 gas 1 +768 <H4Free> DasReapah
00:07 gas 1 +765 Podmes
00:08 gas 1 +765 polonium
00:35 <TirolA> itsRL gl hf
00:38 polonium +
00:42 first unit on mid
00:42 gas 1 +748 <TirolA> itsRL
00:43 Commodor gl hf gg
00:49 <H4Free> DasReapah gg gl hf
00:49 tier 2 Commodor
01:00 tier 2 <H4Free> DasReapah
01:00 tier 2 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
01:00 tier 2 polonium
01:08 tier 2 Podmes
01:32 gas 2 +648 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
01:33 gas 1 +722 Commodor
03:02 gas 3 +528 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
03:06 <TirolA> itsRL wow this pink
03:12 <TirolA> itsRL ground bio vs stetman
03:17 <TirolA> itsRL and 0 brain cells
03:19 gas 2 +594 <TirolA> itsRL
03:21 <TirolA> itsRL noob
03:45 Commodor we were all noobs someday
03:51 <TirolA> itsRL i tip him
04:04 <TirolA> itsRL no brain to receive
04:10 <TirolA> itsRL told him rush bcs
04:18 Commodor show him how to play
04:24 <TirolA> itsRL doesnt work
04:27 gas 2 +560 Podmes
04:31 <TirolA> itsRL he will stay virgiin all life
05:49 gas 2 +519 polonium
05:53 <TirolA> itsRL he doesnt know you save for supergary
05:57 <TirolA> itsRL he thinks medics helps lol
06:21 gas 3 +428 <TirolA> itsRL
07:35 gas 2 +466 <H4Free> DasReapah
07:55 gas 3 +381 polonium
09:02 tier 3 <H4Free> DasReapah
09:09 cannon destroyed
09:12 <TirolA> itsRL purple wtf
09:30 gas 3 +334 Podmes
09:58 tier 3 Commodor
10:05 gas 4 +241 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
10:30 gas 4 +229 polonium
11:00 gas 4 +214 <TirolA> itsRL
15:43 tier 2 <TirolA> itsRL
16:08 tier 3 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
16:22 gas 4 +53 Podmes
17:36 <H4Free> DasReapah gg
17:38 <TirolA> itsRL gg
17:44 Commodor Gg
18:04 tier 3 Podmes
19:13 tier 3 <TirolA> itsRL
19:20 gas 3 +39 <H4Free> DasReapah
23:47 gas 4 -170 <H4Free> DasReapah
25:13 tier 4 Commodor
25:14 tier 4 <H4Free> DasReapah
25:37 tier 4 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
25:40 tier 4 Podmes
26:14 tier 4 <TirolA> itsRL
28:36 tier 3 polonium
28:52 tier 4 polonium
30:03 tier 5 <TirolA> itsRL
30:03 tier 5 polonium
30:04 tier 5 Commodor
30:16 tier 5 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply
30:23 tier 5 Podmes
30:35 Commodor Gg
30:38 game ended
30:39 polonium gg
30:41 <UFktBy> FBIOpnSouply meh