Game #827085 — 2022-12-20

abathur 153
apm: 11 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 647 | killed: 10k
79 -4
abathur 6
apm: 16 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 468 | killed: 14k
2923 -44
tychus 18
apm: 15 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 700 | killed: 22k
3834 -44
2258 +44
apm: 20 | gas: 4 | tier: 2
minerals: 7 | killed: 20k
raynor 11
4338 +44
apm: 37 | gas: 3 | tier: 2
minerals: 117 | killed: 19k
stukov 64
2881 +44
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 214 | killed: 20k
dehaka 21


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 gas 1 +206 <DSCPRO> Katten
00:04 gas 1 +206 WotanBotan
00:11 gas 1 +203 Matrixx
00:11 gas 1 +203 Alhimic
00:18 gas 1 +199 <Groote> FlHazyui
00:20 gas 1 +198 <CoopFR> perssonne
00:37 first unit on mid
01:59 gas 2 +74 <CoopFR> perssonne
02:03 cannon destroyed
02:05 gas 2 +71 Matrixx
02:06 gas 2 +70 WotanBotan
02:10 tier 2 Alhimic
02:17 gas 2 +65 <DSCPRO> Katten
02:20 tier 2 WotanBotan
02:31 gas 2 +58 Alhimic
02:35 tier 2 <Groote> FlHazyui
03:20 tier 3 <Groote> FlHazyui
03:41 tier 2 Matrixx
03:48 gas 3 -56 Matrixx
03:51 tier 2 <CoopFR> perssonne
04:03 gas 3 -63 <CoopFR> perssonne
05:48 tier 3 Matrixx
07:12 bunker destroyed
08:07 gas 2 -110 <Groote> FlHazyui
08:45 <Groote> FlHazyui you guys are not funny ... guess we'll have to play all locusts :/
09:02 WotanBotan just build anti light units
09:13 WotanBotan just playing random ^^
09:16 Matrixx no point if u dont hit cld
09:38 <DSCPRO> Katten mensk is counter to swarms
09:51 gas 3 -237 WotanBotan
09:53 <CoopFR> perssonne hellbat too
09:54 <DSCPRO> Katten io men stukov
10:01 Matrixx not hellbat
10:10 <CoopFR> perssonne ???
10:11 <Groote> FlHazyui creeper counters
10:14 tier 2 <DSCPRO> Katten
10:20 gas 4 -327 <CoopFR> perssonne
10:25 <DSCPRO> Katten hell bat good
10:34 <Groote> FlHazyui liar
10:35 <CoopFR> perssonne creep have 80 hp, hellbat deal more than 40 hp
10:46 <CoopFR> perssonne 40dmg*
10:55 gas 3 -269 Alhimic
11:02 tier 3 <DSCPRO> Katten
11:20 <CoopFR> perssonne line of hellbat and instankill
11:23 <Groote> FlHazyui creepers doesn't attack locusts but the spawners
11:55 Alhimic gg wp
11:57 <Groote> FlHazyui wp
11:57 game ended
12:00 Matrixx tych fail
12:01 WotanBotan gg wp