Game #871808 — 2022-12-28

terran 721
apm: 107 | gas: 1 | tier: 6
minerals: 387 | killed: 191k
7025 -82
zerg 1138
apm: 19 | gas: 1 | tier: 5
minerals: 422 | killed: 165k
5940 -82
terran 28
apm: 68 | gas: 0 | tier: 6
minerals: 0 | killed: 242k
2840 -82
1992 +82
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 3389 | killed: 214k
terran 5
4603 +82
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 2781 | killed: 189k
protoss 75
4319 +82
apm: 13 | gas: 4 | tier: 6
minerals: 2514 | killed: 209k
protoss 74


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:08 Epinephrine hf gl
00:17 Epinephrine what is wame?
00:25 PizzaTime N
00:31 Epinephrine teal?
00:33 PizzaTime I
00:37 first unit on mid
00:41 <TXRep> irespectwame mb i was eating a samdwitchj\
00:44 PizzaTime G
00:47 tier 2 PizzaTime
00:49 tier 2 Epinephrine
00:57 Epinephrine (hearts) sandwitch
01:08 PizzaTime G
01:23 tier 2 <DSFTWA> Monkeygurly
01:44 Epinephrine continue, please, pink. Happy chat ban.
01:48 PizzaTime E
01:55 tier 2 MoZLiN
01:55 MoZLiN they dont monitor this game
01:56 MoZLiN lol
02:02 PizzaTime R
02:04 MoZLiN N
02:05 Epinephrine rofl, i'll get him banned
02:20 PizzaTime oof you got the easy win lol gg boys
02:42 Epinephrine obviously, you racist piece of shit
02:50 tier 3 Epinephrine
02:50 PizzaTime what do you mean ?
02:57 Epinephrine happy ban
03:03 MoZLiN nigger
03:06 PizzaTime still confused
03:31 PizzaTime bro did you rush thors lmao ?
05:17 Epinephrine did you really just lose to thor rush, lmfao
05:31 PizzaTime bro what is you saying ?
06:00 MoZLiN red did you really just lose
07:32 tier 2 <DSXTM> Skydancer
07:39 gas 1 +711 <TXRep> irespectwame
09:51 tier 2 <TXRep> irespectwame
11:56 gas 2 +508 <TXRep> irespectwame
12:18 bunker destroyed
12:20 gas 1 +571 MoZLiN
12:21 gas 1 +570 PizzaTime
15:18 gas 2 +407 PizzaTime
15:23 gas 3 +329 <TXRep> irespectwame
16:03 gas 2 +384 MoZLiN
16:40 tier 3 PizzaTime
17:17 gas 1 +422 <DSFTWA> Monkeygurly
17:54 MoZLiN hey red
17:55 gas 4 +178 <TXRep> irespectwame
17:57 tier 3 MoZLiN
18:02 MoZLiN Red
18:05 MoZLiN RED
18:10 <TXRep> irespectwame eat choclate mfss
18:27 gas 1 +387 <DSXTM> Skydancer
18:39 Epinephrine what do you want, carried trash?
18:40 PizzaTime gg ... your not a bad T player ... OJ really pulled this one out for us
18:48 MoZLiN you suck red
19:02 tier 3 <DSFTWA> Monkeygurly
19:07 Epinephrine purple threw this down the shitter, you guys are garbage
19:10 tier 3 <DSXTM> Skydancer
19:15 tier 3 <TXRep> irespectwame
19:24 MoZLiN suurrreee he did
19:54 Epinephrine unranged libs vs bio… if you don't know, you're hopeless
19:55 <TXRep> irespectwame people tend to blame others for their mistakes]
20:03 <TXRep> irespectwame i am guilty of this
20:26 <TXRep> irespectwame we as people dont often judge ourselfs
20:31 MoZLiN red
20:36 MoZLiN whats that word you dont like
20:47 <TXRep> irespectwame just passing my wisdom
21:08 gas 3 +157 MoZLiN
21:09 Epinephrine what? the one that has pink on a 2 week chat ban?
21:21 MoZLiN he can still talk???
21:32 Epinephrine only for tonight
21:42 MoZLiN i dont want to talk anymore anyways
21:58 Epinephrine yeah, you too, you piece of shit
22:01 MoZLiN im actually black so im alowed to say it
22:56 gas 3 +103 PizzaTime
23:30 MoZLiN whats wrong red, found a hole in your defence
23:39 gas 4 +6 MoZLiN
23:49 MoZLiN Racist didnt think that black people were allowed to play starcraft
24:15 MoZLiN im gonna report you red
24:38 Epinephrine ok, but you're the one getting banned…
24:51 MoZLiN i reported you
25:15 Epinephrine cool story, bro. write it down, maybe someone will buy it.
25:17 tier 4 MoZLiN
25:19 tier 4 <TXRep> irespectwame
25:21 tier 4 <DSXTM> Skydancer
25:23 tier 4 PizzaTime
25:30 <TXRep> irespectwame i just got paid i might
25:39 tier 4 <DSFTWA> Monkeygurly
26:13 Epinephrine fucking McDonalds employees
26:25 <TXRep> irespectwame na i work at a tire shop
26:28 <TXRep> irespectwame i love it
26:39 <TXRep> irespectwame i met my boyfriend there
27:00 Epinephrine i bet you do. lots of rubber for your man dates
27:08 <TXRep> irespectwame nah im top
27:21 MoZLiN is red hating on you for being gay??
27:24 MoZLiN what is with this guy
27:34 <TXRep> irespectwame ;( not coo\
28:23 tier 4 Epinephrine
29:25 Epinephrine too bad purple cannot read english
29:43 <TXRep> irespectwame he homophobic and a hypocrite
29:54 <TXRep> irespectwame racist too
30:03 tier 5 MoZLiN
30:14 Epinephrine how is that racist, or homophobic, you imbecile?
30:22 tier 5 <TXRep> irespectwame
30:30 tier 5 PizzaTime
31:06 tier 5 <DSXTM> Skydancer
31:28 PizzaTime gg
31:30 gas 4 -229 PizzaTime
31:48 Epinephrine no, cant carry stupid.
31:50 tier 5 Epinephrine
33:09 tier 5 <DSFTWA> Monkeygurly
35:08 tier 6 <TXRep> irespectwame
35:19 tier 6 PizzaTime
35:23 tier 6 Epinephrine
35:32 tier 6 MoZLiN
35:56 Epinephrine dunno, purple has ds in his caln tag. thought he'd be decent
36:01 tier 6 <DSXTM> Skydancer
36:01 Epinephrine was wrong
36:21 PizzaTime gg
36:22 game ended