Game #885172 — 2022-10-16

terran 1664
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1556 | killed: 55k
7736 +4
protoss 24
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1434 | killed: 58k
2328 +4
terran 37
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1578 | killed: 64k
2777 +4
2033 -4
apm: 44 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 59 | killed: 33k
zerg 73
2109 -4
apm: 6 | gas: 1 | tier: 3
minerals: 238 | killed: 65k
terran 8
1751 -4
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 494 | killed: 55k
terran 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 tier 2 Raccoon
00:47 tier 2 Diesel
01:08 tier 2 Angus
02:54 tier 2 luda
03:05 gas 1 +329 Ferdinator
03:30 gas 1 +317 Badebaer
03:41 cannon destroyed
03:52 gas 1 +306 Raccoon
04:12 gas 1 +296 luda
04:31 tier 2 Badebaer
05:15 gas 2 +189 Badebaer
05:27 gas 2 +183 Raccoon
05:37 tier 3 luda
06:03 gas 2 +165 Ferdinator
06:08 gas 1 +238 Angus
06:45 gas 3 +69 Badebaer
06:50 gas 1 +117 Diesel
07:17 tier 2 Ferdinator
07:53 gas 2 +110 luda
08:29 tier 3 Badebaer
10:09 gas 2 -58 Diesel
10:51 tier 3 Raccoon
11:18 gas 4 -142 Badebaer
11:40 gas 3 -78 Raccoon
12:58 gas 3 -117 luda
13:42 Ferdinator imagine spamming ravens
13:52 Diesel vs bio
13:55 tier 3 Angus
14:02 Ferdinator such a smart gu
14:06 Ferdinator guy
14:06 Badebaer stalker are not bio
14:16 Ferdinator he isnt fighting stalkers
14:24 Badebaer not anymore
14:33 Raccoon vs noob toss it could work but not with 2 noobs mate
14:35 tier 3 Ferdinator
14:36 luda *he lost vs toss aswell
15:06 Ferdinator gg nice game ravens
15:19 Badebaer you lost heavy aswell ....
15:31 Badebaer dont blame others
15:44 leaver Diesel
15:44 Raccoon +1
15:55 Ferdinator did i tho? cuz as soon as i managed your wave i had to take care of his as well
16:04 Badebaer lol you lost every wave
16:18 Badebaer you never won a wave mate
16:31 Ferdinator ok sure pal guess imma delete the recording where your wave got killed and i even killed half of the next wave
16:43 Badebaer yah watch it ...
16:50 Ferdinator i did
16:57 Badebaer do it again
17:12 Ferdinator still seeing your waves getting killed until i had to carry him
17:19 Badebaer lol
17:26 Badebaer in what world are you living ?=
17:41 Ferdinator bruh how dellusional can you be
17:48 Badebaer pfffff
18:05 Raccoon ok but who have the bigger d*** ?
18:11 Badebaer thanks for the laughing ....
18:33 Raccoon dont tell me my mom plz (happy)
18:42 Ferdinator ok
19:04 game ended
19:06 Badebaer watch the rplay :P