Game #961143 — 2022-06-23

nova 25
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 5
minerals: 2240 | killed: 161k
2776 +33
abathur 1
apm: 19 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2282 | killed: 103k
2012 +33
mengsk 448
apm: 29 | gas: 3 | tier: 4
minerals: 2190 | killed: 164k
4033 +33
1272 -33
apm: 9 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 376 | killed: 27k
dehaka 2
2729 -33
apm: 6 | gas: 4 | tier: 4
minerals: 1744 | killed: 220k
nova 2
1575 -33
apm: 22 | gas: 4 | tier: 5
minerals: 1978 | killed: 157k
stukov 2


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +264 <aIien> Kit
00:04 <F00K> MoTo gl hf
00:07 gas 1 +757 <F00K> MoTo
00:09 gas 1 +756 Iamphat
00:10 gas 1 +756 WilliamKey
00:14 gas 1 +753 <DIRSTK> Hemos
00:20 <DIRSTK> Hemos gl hf
00:55 <F00K> MoTo ty hemos for ability to talk
01:00 first unit on mid
01:00 tier 2 WilliamKey
01:00 tier 2 <DIRSTK> Hemos
01:04 gas 1 +728 Mixsiloy
01:06 <DIRSTK> Hemos ^^
01:41 <DIRSTK> Hemos whats special about heroic commanders?
01:44 gas 2 +633 <DIRSTK> Hemos
01:51 <F00K> MoTo only the defense friend
01:51 tier 2 Mixsiloy
02:01 <F00K> MoTo does double tower
02:15 <DIRSTK> Hemos y, wont change much for the game i think
02:16 tier 2 <F00K> MoTo
02:30 <F00K> MoTo it does for people who wanna eco
02:37 gas 2 +112 <aIien> Kit
02:42 <F00K> MoTo double full tower is a lot
02:54 tier 3 <DIRSTK> Hemos
02:55 gas 2 +598 Iamphat
02:55 tier 3 <F00K> MoTo
02:56 <DIRSTK> Hemos ppl rarely not eco in commander
03:14 gas 3 +513 <DIRSTK> Hemos
03:50 tier 2 <aIien> Kit
03:54 <F00K> MoTo most are agreed.. More of a buffer for a bad teammate I guss
04:46 gas 3 +468 Iamphat
04:51 tier 3 <aIien> Kit
06:32 tier 2 Iamphat
06:56 tier 3 WilliamKey
08:50 tier 3 Mixsiloy
09:10 gas 2 +411 Mixsiloy
09:39 gas 2 +396 WilliamKey
11:00 <F00K> MoTo why you gotta those creepers
11:15 <F00K> MoTo thought we was homies
12:39 gas 4 +156 Iamphat
13:52 <F00K> MoTo could be comp too
13:52 <F00K> MoTo honestly
13:52 <F00K> MoTo maybe he had to grab a kit kat
13:52 <F00K> MoTo tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
13:52 <F00K> MoTo well
13:52 Iamphat god its always someone that has shitty internet
13:52 leaver <aIien> Kit
13:56 gas 2 +268 <F00K> MoTo
14:09 <F00K> MoTo this will win or lose
14:12 tier 3 Iamphat
14:12 <F00K> MoTo gl
14:59 <F00K> MoTo well
15:08 <F00K> MoTo don't wanna rub some aslt
15:10 <F00K> MoTo salt
15:30 cannon destroyed
16:33 <F00K> MoTo what you say to that poor chap? You made him leave
17:15 <DIRSTK> Hemos nothing, probably ragequit
17:26 <F00K> MoTo he said nothing?
17:33 <DIRSTK> Hemos no
17:40 <F00K> MoTo sorry friend
22:44 gas 3 -72 Mixsiloy
23:01 gas 4 -155 <DIRSTK> Hemos
25:13 tier 4 Iamphat
25:22 tier 4 <F00K> MoTo
25:56 tier 4 WilliamKey
26:00 tier 4 <DIRSTK> Hemos
26:14 tier 4 Mixsiloy
26:15 gas 3 -177 WilliamKey
30:03 tier 5 <F00K> MoTo
30:12 tier 5 Iamphat
30:17 Mixsiloy gg
30:22 game ended
30:25 <DIRSTK> Hemos gg