Game #961329 — 2022-10-28

nova 76
apm: 12 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1742 | killed: 87k
3494 +70
hanhorner 82
apm: 13 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1766 | killed: 82k
1962 +70
artanis 66
apm: 6 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1994 | killed: 94k
2567 +70
1802 -70
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1404 | killed: 96k
nova 1
4795 -70
apm: 47 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1313 | killed: 102k
dehaka 122
1295 -70
apm: 5 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 1099 | killed: 83k
artanis 6


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:04 <F00K> MoTo gl hf
00:10 gas 1 +586 <F00K> MoTo
00:11 NickNate glhf gamers
00:17 gas 1 +583 QCShrapnel
00:19 gas 1 +582 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
00:20 gas 1 +581 NickNate
00:33 WoFeD gl
00:38 gas 1 +572 WoFeD
00:51 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo purple didn't wish us to have fun. sus
00:58 first unit on mid
01:02 tier 2 QCShrapnel
01:03 tier 2 <F00K> MoTo
01:03 NickNate vote purple
01:04 tier 2 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
01:08 <F00K> MoTo lol
01:13 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo purple has been ejected
01:18 <F00K> MoTo be goneee
01:21 gas 1 +551 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo
01:31 NickNate they were not the imposter?!?
01:41 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo I saw him vent
01:49 gas 2 +462 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
01:55 NickNate someones throwing
02:04 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo yeah me. grenades
02:22 gas 2 +445 WoFeD
04:04 bunker destroyed
04:07 gas 2 +393 NickNate
04:11 gas 3 +316 WoFeD
04:17 gas 3 +313 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
04:55 tier 2 WoFeD
04:56 tier 2 NickNate
04:59 gas 2 +367 QCShrapnel
06:02 gas 2 +335 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo
06:35 tier 3 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
07:14 tier 2 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo
07:33 <F00K> MoTo that mlg bounce and eat
08:01 gas 2 +276 <F00K> MoTo
09:14 gas 3 +164 QCShrapnel
11:02 tier 3 WoFeD
11:36 tier 3 NickNate
13:25 tier 3 <F00K> MoTo
14:01 gas 4 -54 WoFeD
15:15 tier 3 QCShrapnel
17:50 gas 4 -169 <PERUII> MoreMorbius
18:15 tier 3 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo
23:36 cannon destroyed
24:37 <F00K> MoTo gg
24:43 <Sc2Maf> Nocebo gg
24:44 game ended