Game #975437 — 2022-12-20

tychus 9
apm: 4 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 1397 | killed: 68k
1675 +35
raynor 2
apm: 9 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1060 | killed: 72k
1921 +35
raynor 45
apm: 16 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1557 | killed: 54k
3185 +35
1890 -35
apm: 18 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 834 | killed: 56k
fenix 6
2017 -35
apm: 15 | gas: 3 | tier: 3
minerals: 532 | killed: 29k
abathur 1
1504 -35
apm: 16 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 903 | killed: 80k
stukov 5


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:03 gas 1 +467 gogo
00:05 gas 1 +466 Gro
00:10 gas 1 +464 PlantiPapi
00:14 gas 1 +462 Liktor
00:37 gas 1 +450 plantimami
00:59 gas 1 +439 Ultha
01:01 first unit on mid
01:23 tier 2 plantimami
01:48 tier 2 Ultha
01:55 PlantiPapi fuck you
02:03 PlantiPapi xD
02:06 Ultha you're welcome
02:08 Liktor (rofl)
02:16 PlantiPapi that shit is broken
02:23 PlantiPapi blizz plz
02:24 gas 2 +322 gogo
02:32 Liktor xD
02:38 Liktor that s what weekly brawl is about
02:43 gas 2 +312 Gro
02:45 Liktor find the most broken combo
02:59 Liktor small units and extra life is also broken haha
03:11 PlantiPapi how is the invis thing related to weekly?
03:16 PlantiPapi - cooldown?
03:21 Liktor y
03:37 tier 2 gogo
04:10 tier 2 PlantiPapi
04:56 gas 3 +171 gogo
04:57 gas 2 +245 PlantiPapi
06:27 gas 2 +200 Liktor
06:37 cannon destroyed
07:21 tier 3 gogo
07:23 gas 2 +172 plantimami
07:24 gas 2 +172 Ultha
08:09 gas 3 +74 Liktor
09:51 tier 2 Liktor
10:11 gas 3 +13 Ultha
10:16 gas 4 -64 gogo
12:34 tier 2 Gro
12:51 tier 3 Liktor
13:43 tier 3 Ultha
13:44 tier 3 PlantiPapi
15:38 gas 4 -225 Ultha
17:45 bunker destroyed
17:47 gas 3 -215 plantimami
20:27 tier 3 plantimami
20:39 game ended
20:47 Ultha gg