Game #976940 — 2023-01-14

dehaka 587
apm: 39 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1175 | killed: 37k
7468 +6
kerrigan 281
apm: 25 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 1136 | killed: 39k
8647 +6
stukov 1217
apm: 12 | gas: 4 | tier: 3
minerals: 633 | killed: 38k
7821 +6
2572 -6
apm: 27 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 399 | killed: 33k
tychus 6
1622 -6
apm: 6 | gas: 2 | tier: 2
minerals: 271 | killed: 31k
fenix 11
3947 -6
apm: 22 | gas: 2 | tier: 3
minerals: 386 | killed: 39k
zagara 346


average rating




game log
00:00 game started
00:02 gas 1 +323 <420th> Funtimes
00:04 gas 1 +322 OsoMaloso
00:05 gas 1 +322 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
00:05 gas 1 +322 JakeTheSnake
00:07 gas 1 +321 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
00:08 gas 1 +320 <ClanHs> Levetia
00:24 <420th> Funtimes fuck how do i have the 4th smallest base in the game lol
00:34 <420th> Funtimes reasons why i was skeptical but I do enjoy a good game (hearts)
00:37 first unit on mid
00:47 <420th> Funtimes your clannies are my homies and fun af (for the most part) lol
00:54 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
00:56 <420th> Funtimes glhf
00:58 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (glhf)
01:00 tier 2 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
01:01 tier 2 JakeTheSnake
01:11 tier 2 <ClanHs> Levetia
01:38 gas 2 +200 <ClanHs> Levetia
01:39 gas 2 +200 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
01:41 tier 2 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
02:17 tier 2 <420th> Funtimes
02:24 <420th> Funtimes read your mind (rofl)
02:33 <ClanHs> Levetia (rofl)
02:34 <420th> Funtimes boo haka help lol
02:55 <ClanHs> Levetia (rofl)
03:09 gas 3 +80 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
03:28 <420th> Funtimes damn it
04:03 gas 3 +53 <ClanHs> Levetia
04:55 tier 3 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
05:45 gas 2 +77 OsoMaloso
06:12 gas 2 +63 <420th> Funtimes
07:41 tier 3 <ClanHs> Levetia
08:02 cannon destroyed
09:00 tier 2 OsoMaloso
09:14 gas 2 -27 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
10:01 gas 2 -51 JakeTheSnake
10:34 gas 4 -218 <ClanHs> Levetia
10:45 gas 3 -148 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
11:17 <420th> Funtimes lol chase emmmm
11:18 <420th> Funtimes rofl
11:28 <420th> Funtimes kinda good kinda bad tho xD
12:00 tier 3 <420th> Funtimes
12:03 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
12:33 <420th> Funtimes tbh it's fun to be vs an organized team with randos lol
12:39 <420th> Funtimes so random on our end xD
12:48 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i made all these banes to outbane you and they just die to base/tychus (sad)
12:48 gas 4 -285 <ClanHs> heyrandoms
12:49 <420th> Funtimes and getting to see the mechanics yall do
12:53 <420th> Funtimes lol
12:59 <420th> Funtimes im 2600 games as zagara
13:02 <420th> Funtimes bc im retarded
13:04 <420th> Funtimes xD
13:06 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
13:12 <ClanHs> Levetia But your smart enough to recognize that
13:13 <ClanHs> Levetia (surprised)
13:14 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker i like doing retardo builds
13:16 <ClanHs> Levetia (hearts)
13:17 <420th> Funtimes haha
13:33 <420th> Funtimes i only play this game not sober and zagara is a very gratifying hero sometimes lol
14:27 gas 4 -334 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
15:08 <420th> Funtimes mainly just wanted to keep yall on your toes with a quite calculated but fucking silly strat
15:28 <420th> Funtimes that actually works most of the time just not vs vets
15:31 tier 3 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker
15:43 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker (rofl)
15:47 <ClanHs> InsaneSmoker gg
15:49 <420th> Funtimes wp
15:49 <ClanHs> Levetia gg (happy)
15:50 game ended