
data for this patch
← 2023-01-01 2023-01-03 →





<5000: 7083 players, 18858 picks
5000-7000: 153 players, 1786 picks
>7000: 28 players, 739 picks
average rating gains

– Purifier Tempest cost reduced from 375 to 365.
– High Archon cost reduced from 350 to 340.

– Primal Zergling cost increased from 40 to 45.
– Primal Roach cost increased from 80 to 85.
– Primal Host cost increased from 275 to 285.
– Primal Igniter cost increased from 210 to 220.
– Primal Ultralisk cost increased from 275 to 290.

– Purifier Disruptor cost increased fom 280 to 300.
– Solarite Flare (dragoon fenix anti-air) cooldown increased from 5 to 10 seconds.

– Purifier Colossus cost increased from 465 to 480.
– Advanced Repair Systems cost reduced from 125 to 50.

– Hellbat cost increased from 125 to 150.
– Hellion cost increased from 125 to 150.
– Reaper cost increased from 55 to 65.
– Widow Mine cost increased from 160 to 190.
– Widow Mine Significant Other bonus increased from 1% to 1.5%.
– Theia Raven cost increased from 125 to 140.
– Asteria Wraith cost increased from 320 to 380.
– Asteria Wraith Significant Other bonus increased from 2% to 2.5%.
– Deimos Viking cost increased from 360 to 430.
– Deimos Viking Significant Other bonus increased from 2% to 2.5%.
– Strike Fighter cost increased from 210 to 250.
– Galleon cost increased from 440 to 530.
– Galleon Significant Other bonus increased from 3% to 3.5%.
– Hangar Bay cost increased from 125 to 150.
– Sovereign Battlecruiser can no longer be purchased.
– Sovereign Battlecruiser has the Heroic genus (heroic attribute).
– Sovereign Battlecruiser Significant Other bonus reduced from 7.5% to 6%.
– Call in the Fleet introduced. 360 seconds cooldown. Get one permanent battlecruiser unit every 6 minutes. Requires tier3 to be used. Can not be sold. Can store unlimited charges. Equivalent of getting extra +2.5 minerals per second, which is 30% more minerals, while prices are increased by 10-20%. Factoring in early t3, overall hanhorner power is less first 6 minutes, and then it’s about the same as it was before, except you are forced to have battlecruisers.

– Equip B-2 High-Cal LMG cost increased from 20 to 25.
– Pilot Warhound cost increased from 120 to 125.
– Emperor’s Shadow’s Labyrinth Cloak duration reduced from 5 to 4.5 seconds. (tooltip still shows 5 seconds, but duration is really 4.5 seconds)
– Immolation energy cost increased from 75 to 100.

– Elite Marine cost increased from 105 to 110.

– Viking cost increased from 200 to 205 fixed: (only sell price is 205, buy price is still 200, the infinite money bug).
– Siege Tank cost increased from 235 to 240 fixed: (only sell price is 240, buy price is still 235, the infinite money bug).

– High Capacity Containers (firebat double oil aoe) cost reduced from 75 to 50.
– Wildflame Fuel Additives (3rd upgrade, the one that was spreading fire if enflamed unit died) removed.

– Oracle cost reduced from 175 to 170.
– Stealth Drive cost reduced from 125 to 100.
– Stalkers’ Phase Reactor duration reduced from 3.57 seconds to 3 seconds. (less cloak duration, but faster shields regeneration)

– Abberation cost increased from 340 to 350.