
data for this patch
← 2025-01-29 — 2025-03-08





<5000: 0 players, 0 picks
5000-7000: 0 players, 0 picks
>7000: 0 players, 0 picks
average rating gains

– Viper cost increased from 220 to 250.

– Dragoon cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Honor Guard cost reduced from 80 to 75.
– High Archon cost reduced from 340 to 330.
– Immortal cost reduced from 225 to 215.
– High Templar cost reduced from 180 to 175.
– Reaver cost reduced from 425 to 420.

– Primal Wurm now increases in cost with each purchase (requires tier2, costs 100, 150, 200), but dehaka once again has access to 3 wurms.

– Hellion cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Hellbat cost reduced from 125 to 120.
– Executioner Missiles (Widow Mine on-death effect) upgrade cost reduced from 150 to 100.
– Black Market Launchers (Widow Mine faster burrow) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 100.
– Sovereign Battlecruiser now gives 5% attack speed to Han’s forces (that’s what patchnotes say; but it actually gives just 2.5%).

– Orbital Strike Beacon cooldown reduced from 240 to 225 seconds.
– Orbital Strike Beacon deals half damage to structures.
– Optimized Ordnance (defense buildings buff) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 75.
– Energizer cost reduced from 145 to 140.
– Annihilator cost reduced from 270 to 260.
– Mirage cost reduced from 150 to 145.
– Sentinel cost reduced from 95 to 90.

– Lurker cost reduced from 295 to 290.
– Queen cost reduced from 150 to 145.
– Brood Lord cost reduced from 320 to 310.

– Pride of Augustgrad now has the “Promote to Flagship” ability (250 minerals, one of PoAs can be upgraded to become an Important Hero, which is immune to most stuns, devour, having reduced debuffs durations and effects, etc).
– Ultralisk cost reduced from 275 to 260.

– Hellbat Ranger cost reduced from 300 to 290.
– Heavy Siege Tank cost reduced from 340 to 325.

– Volatile Infested cost reduced from 50 to 45.
– Infested Marine cost reduced from 38 to 35.

– Drakken Laser Drill cost reduced from 200 to 175.
– Drakken Laser Drill level 2 (tier 3 upgrade) now also increases lock-on speed (x2 faster target switch).
– Wraith cost reduced from 145 to 140.
– Cyclone cost reduced from 170 to 165.
– A.R.E.S. cost reduced from 275 to 260.

– Black hole duration reduced from 6 to 5 seconds.
– Stalkers cost increased from 115 to 120.
– Dark Archon cost reduced from 350 to 340.

– Mass Frenzy can now hold 2 charges.
– Rupture (bane explosion aoe) upgrade cost reduced from 200 to 150.
– Virulent Spores (scourge aoe damage) upgrade cost reduced from 125 to 100.